Does everyone think that Heavenly Father exists? (Yes.) Does Heavenly Father exist within time? (No.) Why not? Is there any word that means timeless and at the same time means ending and beginning eternally? It is the same as past, present, and future. What is the original essence that Heavenly Father can abide in peacefully? This is the issue. What do we mean by this? Because Heavenly Father is omnipotent, anything is possible? (No!) Even if Heavenly Father is omnipotent and omniscient, He will not do everything. Only through the power of love is it possible. When we say love, Heavenly Father also says, "Oh, I see!" Nothing else is necessary for Heavenly Father. So where should we go? (Spirit world!) Spirit world? What does that mean? Usually it means the world after death. But it's not after death. Why? Spirit world does not mean after death, because it is related with love. Since that world is related with love, it shouldn't mean after death. Spirit world is here now, starting on the center of true love. We are standing in the position of true love. Is there anything wrong with that? No. That's why love is the greatest of all things. If spirit world is here and somebody calls out, "Hey, spirit world!" then spirit world would answer, "What is it?" If you ask spirit world, "Where do you want to live?" do you think it would answer, "Oh, I want to live in a world centered on the knowledge of Heavenly Father"? Or, "Oh, I want to live in a place where God's almighty power like the creation of heaven is present"? Spirit world wouldn't answer like that. Or how about something about money? Or something about luxury? No, it will not answer like that. Only the movement of vertical circles-up and down, front and back, left and right-can make unity. Just a vertical line and a horizontal line cannot unite-not up and down, front and back, or left and right. They cannot unite, cannot make oneness, cannot make unification. So only love can make unification. Therefore, the Unification Church talks about the unification of the ideal world centered on true love as the viewpoint of the Principle. This is the conclusion. Heavenly Father tries to guide man. Heavenly Father is also breathing. He has the breath of love. In order to unite with the rhythm of the cosmos, Heavenly Father, who is eternal, continuously exists in the cosmos centered on love. Therefore, love has eternal life. For man to unite with the rhythm of the cosmos, he should continue to center on love eternally. Therefore, you have to do this much! Then you will go over into the realm of Heavenly Father's breath. Everybody, man or woman, wants to love. Right? At that moment, Heavenly Father says, "Whooo!" Then to create love, power gathers smoothly. Then new power comes up from one moment to the next. Love is breathing. Because the rhythm of the cosmos is like this, men and women cannot say, "I don't like it!" Once they unite with that rhythm, then they have to love each other. The direction is not different. There is only one direction. Every direction is centered on God.