There are cells in the body and mind. You know that there are the spiritual five senses and that we have a spirit body, don't you? The cells of both the internal self and external self must resonate with each other. The spiritual being, which is our internal self that can live for eternity, and the physical being, which is our external self that can live in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth only, must be able to resonate with each other, centered on love. When they resonate, the sound should be the same, showing that the two are bound together. When they are bound together, they revolve. When revolving, they revolve around one central point. When the resonating spirit body and physical body become harmonized centered on God's love, spiritual cells and physical cells engage in perfect motion together. Perfect motion. You need to know this. Therefore, when our eyes become perfectly harmonized with the world of spirit, they can see the whole land of the spiritual world as well as the land of the physical earth. This is because they engage in perfect motion. Isn't a microphone the same way? If its quality is good, the sound can vibrate 100 percent. Similarly, once our whole being becomes one with the power of love, centering on both spirit and body, and creates a realm of explosion, the spiritual world, physical world, and God cannot help but resonate with that realm. It is the same with the hands. If my hands are in such a state of oneness with true love and touch something, electricity runs through the creation. You can feel it. Once there is such an electricity, everything wants to cling to you. Once such a person appears, God and even the whole universe want to cling to and follow him wherever he goes. When there is a perfect plus, a perfect minus will always follow it. And if there is a perfect minus, then if there is not a perfect plus it must appear and follow it. This is a universal law. (171:103) Just as a person has a mind and body, he himself has a dual structure. It applies to men as well as women. Both men and women are composed of a mind person and a body person. So when we add a man and a woman together, we can say there are four persons there. Divided, there are four persons, but the point is how these four can become one. With what intention did God create these four persons like this? How do we make the four into one? Will God do it by force or by pressure? No. Only If they center on God's true love will these four become completely one. All of you possess a spirit self and a physical self. The cells of our spirit self, even though invisible to our own eyes, exist in just the same way as physical cells. The spiritual world exists just as substantially as the physical world, even if we cannot see it. Then, when can a spirit self and physical self become one? This is the problem. It is similar to a tuning fork. When a tuning fork is struck, it can make a nearby tuning fork resonate at the same frequency. The spiritual situation is parallel. Once God's love matches perfectly with our mind, our body automatically responds. Therefore, that which lets our mind and body resonate 100 percent and allows them to come into the realm of oneness is not God's wisdom or power. It is only love that does the job. Only love. What is the focal point, the ideal standard, that your physical five senses and your spiritual five senses long to reach? That point is not God's power or wisdom. Love is the concentrating point as a center and a standard of everything. (138:254)