Who are Adam and Eve? If God created Adam and Eve, how did He create them? If God used some clay to create them, what kind of clay did He use? From where did He begin? From where did Adam and Eve's lives begin? We cannot think that when God created Adam and Eve He created them as adults. Rather, God created them as infants. Without the notion that God behaved like a mother who gave birth to, cradled, and raised a baby, we cannot find a logic to explain the formation of all existence. Everything in the universe develop through three stages. Thus, there was a period of childhood for Adam and Eve. Then there was a time of young adulthood. The next step was to have been a period of maturation. This is a principle of the universe. Then what was Adam and Eve's childhood like? We must start from the theory that the incorporeal God engaged in a process of creation from the incorporeal to the corporeal world, a process as if He even held and raised a baby. What is this all about? How does one go from birth, to growing up, to maturing, to coming to the position of being able to marry and become a parent? How does one proceed? You must know that God set up stages of a process for living beings. Through stages, man goes from a period of youth through one of adulthood to a period of advanced age. The fact is that it is through individual people growing in human families that God wants to see the embodiment of the internal process that He Himself engaged in. Only from these thoughts can a theory of the oneness of parent and child be produced. The parent is vertical and the child is horizontal. Therefore, we can say it is a theory of the oneness of vertical and horizontal. (225:198)