According to the Bible, the human beings fell from God. God lost everything at once because of the Fall of the first humans, including His sons and daughters, husbands and wives, countries, and the world. We have to liberate God. True Parents must come in order to restore all things, children, families, countries, and the world, and bring them to God. God lost all of them because human beings misused love with the result that false love was created. We were all created by God centered on His love. We were supposed to be owned by God. But this ideal was shattered because of fallen love. True Parents must restore all things, children, husbands and wives, countries and the world centered on True Parents' love, and offer them to God. God will praise the victory of True Parents saying, "The universe has been restored centered on true love. Now I can take possession of it," and then give it back to True Parents. God will take possession of the universe first, and then will give it back to True Parents. It will eventually be given to true sons and daughters. We cannot realize the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, however, until this victorious foundation is spread in all directions throughout the world. What do we have to do now? What we should do now is to unify the North and the South, and offer the unified Korea to God as the homeland of all humankind. This will be accomplished centered on the victorious foundations of all nations, and in the name of God and True Parents. There exist both democracy and Communism in the Korean Peninsula. Although Koreans are centered on both True Parents and false parents, we are not enemies in the eyes of God. Kim Il Sung should not die yet. In fact our members went to North Korea to meet him. I took a big chance. I took chances on so many occasions-in Japan, in the U.S., and in Russia. I always apply myself 100%. People often call Unification Church members beggars. Why beggars? The Unification Church dedicated itself to God several decades ago, and the members have only small pots and rags at home because they have to work to restore all things for God. Parents lead a poor life not for the sake of their sons and daughters but for God. Those who think, "I have to quit working for the Church and go to a university," will bring hardships upon their children. In the name of God and True Parents we must soon unify the North and the South, and recover all kinds of historical ownership from Satan. We have to bring the ownership to God, our original True Parents. Upon that foundation, Korea must make an appearance as the first fatherland that has ever existed. This is the ultimate goal of my love. (212-127)