Why have we sacrificed until now? It is to become the central parents in a tribe. How wonderful it is! Some people may question what kind of benefit will return to us after we have sacrificed so much. They may think that it seems to be meaningless. However, after all tribes are unified, you will stand in the position of father and mother among your tribes.

When you stand in the position of parents, how holy it is! You can show the true way of parents. Parents always sacrifice with love and service, don't they? When you think about it, you will think that to be true parents is a good thing. It is the same in America. Until now, Rev. Moon has sacrificed in the position of True Parents for the sake of America. Rev. Moon has tried to unify people with love, and people will come to recognize that Rev. Moon made these efforts with the mind and heart of True Parents. When people come to recognize that, the indivisible nation and world will be determined.

From that point, the True Parents will be welcomed everywhere. Don't you think so? Those in the welcomed position are the ones who connect to the realm of vertical heart as parents centered on God. You should know that. Unification cannot be accomplished without being connected to the center of the realm of vertical heart.

There are various vertical lines. There are the vertical lines of couple, parents of the family, parents of the tribe, parents of the nation, and parents of the world. Thus the vertical lines gradually enlarge. This means that from the tradition of True Parents, there are various centers in the realm of parents. Later, when a nation is established centered on the realm of parents, the world will be established centered on the nation of the realm of parents. (118-267)

You have inherited the realm of parentship and eldersonship. This is because you became a tribal Messiah. We have worked to establish the nation able to inherit the kingship by inheriting eldersonship and parentship. If you restore Korea, it will be the same as finding the whole world. This is the ultimate. This is the result of the Principle. There is no more.

Certain positions need to be established as the center of a restored nation. They are True Parents, True Teacher, and True Owner. The father and mother centered on true love are a true teacher. Because of True Parents, they can teach everything. Who can teach more than True Parents? True Parents taught all kinds of secrets of heaven and earth. True Parents are true teachers of teachers. God says this. God is the owner of owners. True Father is also to be owner of owners. When kingship is restored, True Father will also become the owner of owners. True Parents' thought is The Thought of Three Great Subjects-True Parents, true teacher, and true owner. The Unification Church is a group of true parents.

It is the same in a nation. The nation has some system of rank centering on the president. In the organization of the country, the organization for education is the Department of Education, which is a group of true teachers. The Administration in the nation may be compared to the owner of the nerves. Because all nerves converge on the Administration, it has to be the position of owner. Because the head of the Administration is the president, he is to be as the owner taking responsibility for the nation. This thought is in the Thought of the Three Great Subjects. Do you understand?

Therefore, True Parents always stand in the vertical position, and the departmental organizations and the administrative organization are in relative positions. These are similar to Cain and Abel. When Cain and Abel unite completely, the kingship will be eternal! "Amen!" Do you understand?

What is Kim Il Sung's Thought of Three Great Subjects? It proclaims Independence, Creativity, and Consciousness. However, this cannot be a true thought because it is centered on the human. Because he doesn't know God, it cannot be a true theory. It doesn't have an ontology.

The time has come when we can envision the nation. When you work to save the nation, you are the representative of its history and of the universal history. When God sees this, what great pride He takes. You should know that.

The fact that True Parents emerged on the earth is a surprising thing. All that became distorted though the false parents has to be restored through the reversal course by the True Parents. Through that, the way toward hell has to be turned to the way of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Except through the door of the True Parents, no one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Do you understand? "Yes!" Does Christianity have the door? "No!" How about the Unification Church? "It does!" Can we therefore directly enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You have first to remove all mistakes of your past. You should not remember even the names of your old friends. Women who marry should not remember their first lover. You should return to the zero point. Those who think of their old lives cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You should go into the zero point.

Therefore, you have to devote yourselves with your whole heart and mind, as does this grandmother. There is no other method. There is only the thought of God and True Parents. If any other thought were to enter it, the way of the Kingdom of Heaven could not be a straight path. You are not able to go the way of love. Therefore, you have to clean yourselves.

Although you were blessed, that has not solved every problem. The blessing must be developed through the blessing of the church, the blessing of the nation, and the blessing of the world. It has to go through the three stages. Why is that? It is because you have to go into the zero point. Although you have your children, your children are not yours. You should stand on the zero point. Your sons and daughters belong to God and True Parents. (208-342)