From the point centered on True Parents, it is possible to start the ideal history, new culture, new love, new life, new family, new country, and the new world. God's nation and the Kingdom of Heaven are started from that point.

You should know that our word "True Parents" is not the same as the one you have known generally. The position of True Parents emerged though thousands of billions of sacrifices. So, the position of True Parents is one to which the blood of the numerous sacrificed victims cries out asking, "Why?"

In the Bible, Abel's blood was crying out to God after he was killed by Cain. It is the True Parents who have the position in which they can redeem sacrificial history and liberate the hearts of sacrificial victims. You are the people who inherit such a mission and walk the way of indemnity rightly. If you come to know your mission truly, you will not be able to complain about anything. (67-227)

God's original ideal of creation is the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven through the name of True Parents. Without the name of True Parents, the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven cannot emerge. If you ask today's Christian, "Why cannot Jesus enter the Kingdom of God even though he is God's eldest son?" he will not know that answer.

The Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven is accomplished only through the substantiation of True Parents and the foundation of love. To unify the spiritual world is the responsibility of True Parents, not of others. Because Jesus could not become a True Parent, Jesus went to Paradise.

In the fallen world, no thing or person has ever received True Parents' love. You should know that there is a vertical and horizontal formula of the principle. You should not do as you wish. (131-184)

The Kingdom of God begins with love between man and woman. Do you understand? What is the center of the Kingdom of God? The original Kingdom of God is the place where everything that is on the horizontal line is unified centering on the vertical line. God comes into the central point, and man and woman become the core of that point, mind and body revolve around each other.

My mind is my vertical self and my body is my horizontal self. The vertical mind is God and vertical body is the True Parents. The horizontal body is parents. All these become one.

Did you see mind? No! Did you see God? No! The mind is vertical. Even though it cannot be seen, it exists as vertical. The body is horizontal. Do you understand? Yes! 90 degrees! Men like this. (laughing)

The family is the microcosm. Is there the spiritual realm within a human being or not? (There is) What is that? That is the mind. The visible body is the representative of the world. When mind and body revolve around the center, if they do not leave the center, an ideal man is formed. It is simple.

When the invisible mind and visible body become one centering on the core of love, that is the ideal man or woman, the realization of the individual nature. Do you understand?

When do your mind and body become one? Through what do your mind and body become one? Through what? (True love!) What kind of true love? It is vertical true love and horizontal true love. It is through two kinds of true love. This is 90 degrees. You are the fruit composed by inheriting love, life, and lineage from God. Love, life, and lineage have to become one through the core of vertical and horizontal true love. (217-150)