What is the position of your physical parents? They fall into the category of parents in the evil world, which is the opposite of True Parents. Some people ask, "If Rev. and Mrs. Moon are our True Parents, does that mean our real parents are evil parents?" This is a problem. If the world were not fallen, do you think people would pull their children away, insisting, "He is my son! She is my daughter!" Do you think that in the Garden of Eden there was the concept that one has to abandon one's own mother and father to find a new mother and father? [No, there was not.] Why, then, are we born with this kind of destiny? This situation was not created by God, but by Satan. It is a consequence of the Fall. Satan divides everything. Satan divides mother from father, son from daughter. Satan divides families, nations, and breaks the entire world into pieces. The Last Days is the era when Satan divides everything. Therefore, the Last Days is the end of the world. We must know this. The Last Days is also the time of a new beginning. According to the Divine Principle, God initiates a movement in the Last Days to unite everything that is divided. What are the True Parents? What is the difference between your physical parents and the True Parents? What do the True Parents do? What kind of love do the True Parents teach? The difference between your physical parents and the True Parents has to do with love and the concept of love. Your physical parents teach you about love centering on the flesh, and your spiritual parents teach you about love centering on the spiritual world. These have very different content. Why do you need spiritual parents, when you already have physical parents? You need them to resolve the problem of the Fall. Your fallen parents have taught you the downward path by centering on yourself. Their parental love has made a rope connecting you to the satanic world, to keep you there forever. You do not have the means to cut that rope. [129-29] When the True Parents appear, they love centered on God. Therefore, God cannot but love everything that the True Parents love. You know this is true according to the Principle. You, who were born into the satanic world, come to follow the True Parents, saying, "I like True Parents' nation and True Parents' family more than my mother and father, more than my home, and more than my sons and daughters. God's love is far better than anything else." If you have True Parents' love, then Satan cannot pull you away, no matter how hard he tries. The realm of God's love and True Parents' love is the ideal realm of the original world. Therefore, Satan has no authority to take away these sons and daughters. Unification Church members from all five races, you all have parents, right? What kind of parents are they? They are your normal parents. The Unification Church has True Parents. They are your special parents. The True Parents are completely different than your parents. Your normal parents raise a big commotion. You are trying so hard to come to your special parents, and they are trying to kidnap you to prevent you from coming to Rev. Moon. Nevertheless, your special parents remain calm, closing their eyes. I do not command you to follow me. If you want to follow me, then come. If you want to go your own way, then leave. It's up to you. Your normal parents become hotheaded and scream, "Reverend Moon is Satan. He is a heretic!" But the True Parents stay silent. Your normal parents say, "We are your special parents." Are they correct? [128-138] Rev. and Mrs. Moon are the parents of three ages. They are the parents of the Old Testament Age, the parents of the New Testament Age, and the parents of the Completed Testament Age. That is why they are True Parents. By the way, some of you pray, "in the name of Parents." You are not supposed to pray like that. Rev. Moon alone is qualified to pray in the name of Parents. You should clearly know this and teach this. What is the difference between your birth parents and True Parents? They are not the same. Your parents are situated within a single age, but the True Parents encompass the three ages. They encompass the past, present and future ages, both the spiritual and physical worlds. The True Parents are the root and the bud. Your physical parents are branches. Do you understand? A bud grows on a branch. Thus, your physical parents are parents on the branches stemming out of the current age. True Parents, however, are the parents of all three ages. They are the parents of the age of the root, the age of the trunk and branches, and also the age of the leaves. Thus, you should not forget the word "True Parents." You have some nerve to think that you can pray in the name of "Parents" because I pray in the name of "Parents." It is contrary to the Principle. Do you understand? If you continue to do that, what will happen? Children call their mother and father "parents." If you pray to parents, they will be confused and ask you, "Who are our parents? What's the difference?" Don't confuse them like that. Birth parents are the parents of one age, while Rev. and Mrs. Moon are the parents of three ages. They are vertical parents. Rev. and Mrs. Moon are the parents of grandfathers and fathers and grandsons-three ages, three stages. You have to know this clearly. Therefore, True Parents cannot do whatever they wish. They cannot leave the position of the root. They may think, "It would be nice to wander about like a branch," but they cannot. Can the root do whatever it wishes? Can the buds wander around as they please? Both the root and the buds are longing for the branches. How confining it is to keep one's position for thousands and millions of years! How confining is my position! Yet I have to keep it even though I may shrivel up. It is a position with no freedom. However, the branches can wander around as they wish. You have to know that. [141-226]