4) The Word "True Parents" is a terrifying word

What is the one frightening teaching in the Unification Church? It is the word "True Parents." God is afraid of this word, and Satan is also afraid of it. We who are human are in the realm of Satan. Therefore, centering on the True Parents, those who follow them are judged by their words.

God may feel that he wishes I had not come to the earth. However, because I came as a person who has to judge people, God listens to my words. Why is Satan afraid of the word "True Parents"? If people believe in this word and follow it, then they destroy everything that belongs to Satan and defeat him. That is why this word is a very frightening word for Satan.

Satan always hinders True Parents' advance, and he hopes that I fall down and become evil. Therefore, it is a problem to follow this way, however much you believe in the True Parents and follow them. Once you stand at the front of this way, you should do your best for God's Will, and should go this way joyfully. You should know that this is the way that you must go.

(From Father's prayer) "I know very well how frightening a word the name 'True Parents' is. Until today, I have fought, not seeking to live in a peaceful place, but to accomplish this mission of the Will. Looking back on the past, there were many circumstances and regrets; however, I realized that my situation could not be compared with yours. Therefore, I know that I am the miserable one who cannot show tears on my knees. Please accept my heart which feels such things, and from this day, please open the door of heaven and earth."

What is the question? It is truth, that is, true parents. What are true parents? It is not easy to understand the meaning of the word "True Parents." This is the most terrifying word. You cannot imagine how frightening it is. Only one word, that is, "True Parents", controls history. To find this word, many of our forbears went the way of sacrifice. The name was found by hoping with writhing and shouting throughout a continuous strife of blood. This holy name is "True Parents".

There must be true children in front of true parents. Then, did you become true children? Think about it. Are you true children? Trueness has not changed in the past and present, and will not change in the future.