Just as you shed sweat for Heaven, you must also shed blood. You must gladly seek to go to the historical hill of suffering. You did not know until now that for your liberation you must pour out even more. You thought that it does not have anything to do with you and that everything will be fulfilled in relation to others, but you are wrong. We have to come back to the origin. You must know clearly that in order to return to the land of your hometown, you have the responsibility to destroy the false base. Now we must fix your root. What happened to the root? Because of the fall, something went wrong with the original father and mother. Something went wrong with the first son. Thus, centering on True Parents and centering on the original right of Parents based on their True Son and Daughter and the right of the first son, we must reverse the situation of our ancestry. Thus you are destined to return to your hometown and restore your ancestors. (1988.6.1.) Because of Adam and Eve's mistake, Jesus had to come as a true parent, right? He had to indemnify the mistake of the first parent and also fulfill his own desire. Centering on the example of how the third parent has carried the cross of love, you then are to demonstrate to your relatives your ability to love even your enemy more than yourself. By doing that you can destroy any historical barriers in your path and go directly to God. The mission of the tribal messiah is to demolish and go over any tribal walls remaining which block the way to God. Centering on what? Centering on the True Parents. Thus, you cannot think only about yourself. Night and day you have to care for your grandfather, grandmother and everyone else first, and then be the last to go to sleep. By working and shedding blood and sweat, you have to feed not only your son and daughter, but also your whole clan. It is the same as being in the wilderness course. If you are among the 600,000 Israelites in the desert with Moses, you cannot just feed your own household. You have to go beyond your own tribe and put food in front of Moses and tell him that even if we die, we should die together. Even if they eat in one day what they have been eating for a hundred days, the twelve tribal leaders have to donate it in front of Moses. Without living this kind of lifestyle, you cannot connect through heartistic relationships from your family to the tribe, nation and world. On the national level, I have established the standard of restoration through indemnity and prepared a foundation that can connect things, but I cannot make your own tribal foundation, right? That is the responsibility of each tribal messiah. Do not look to me from now on. Until now I took responsibility for everything, but now you must take responsibility for your own clan. \Your heart must be absolutely vertically connected with God at a ninety-degree angle to your activities, individually, and in your family and tribal relationships. Nothing-sleeping, waking, eating, living-should be centered on yourself. Everything you do is for your clan. You should feel, "Even if I die, if I am a Kim, I must solve all problems and difficulties for the sake of the Kims." Even if Kim Il Sung comes out and asks South Korea for elections, he cannot make any progress because we have connected strongly with our tribes. The Unification Church has to make this preparation. That is the way to stay alive. That is the way to save the nation. That is why for the sake of the mission of tribal messiah we must march forward. In order to reverseon the level of heart Adam and Eve's and Jesus' failures, the tribal messiah has to bear the cross. (1988.10.3. Yongin Factory) If an individual gains victory and forms a family, that family has to go over the hill of restoring their tribe, society, nation and world. What is the desire of the individual? It is to establish a family that can stand on the side of God. After an individual establishes such a family, what would happen if he says, "To get to this point, I have overcome all sorts of hardships and suffering, but since now I am married, let's relax"? Let's say he lives in luxury and fun, and takes naps whenever he wants. What kind of realm is that? That is the realm where Satan surrounds him on every level, from the tribe to the world. When we know this, should we say, "How wonderful"? [No.] In that realm, the more children you have, the more trouble you will have. You might wonder, "What is he saying now?" But I am telling you something very interesting and important. In order for an individual to find peace, he needs a family; thus the Unification Church has been fighting to establish true families. In the same way, a family cannot find peace without a tribe. Your tribe serves as a fence to protect you and your family from the blowing wind. Without connecting to your tribe, you cannot exist in a peaceful family. In order to do that, you should become the tribal elder for your relatives. If you become their tribal elder, even if there is fighting going on, relatives from different villages will go out to the front line and fight, and the elder just has to direct their efforts. Then he can rest! Therefore, I am telling you to fulfill the mission of tribal messiah. Have you heard that kind of talk or not? [We did.] I have taught you everything already. Do what? [Mission of tribal messiah.] I am telling you to do the work of a tribal messiah. Then I am telling you to become a messiah to a people. In the future if you go out in the world and witness, you are doing mission of a messiah on the level of a people. (1972.5.18. Taegu Church)