1) The Duty of a Tribal Messiah

What was lost due to the fall? True Parents were forfeited on the individual, national, global and cosmic levels. Adam and Eve would have become king and queen on all these levels if they had not fallen and had instead possessed the authority of a filial son and daughter in front of God's love.

What then is the Messiah, the Savior? What kind of Savior is he? He is not a Savior of power, or money, or knowledge. He is the Savior of love, of life and of blood lineage. Why? Because of the fall, man lost God's love, life and blood lineage and could not inherit them. The Savior is the one who comes to find and restore these.

You received the wrong seed. You received the seed of the devil, of the archangel. Your root is the archangel. Thus God worked for 6,000 years until now to send the Messiah. But because God is in a vertical position, it was difficult for Him to send the Messiah horizontally.

It is the same with me. In order to become God's son, I must enter a vertical position. I must experience feelings of east, west, south, north and all the feelings of front, back, right, left, above and below. When I reach the position where God can look and say that I have undoubtedly experienced them all, I enter the position of son, the position that a true person should reach. In order to block me from accomplishing this, Satan obstructs me in a hundred directions. The thing that Satan is most afraid of is grafting into God's love. He is not afraid of money or power. In front of God, power is useless. God is omnipotent. Also, He is omniscient; therefore, He does not need knowledge. Does an omniscient being need knowledge when He is the King of knowledge?

From this viewpoint, what kind of person is the Messiah? What is the tribal messiah that the Unification Church is talking about today? Until now in order to send one Messiah, there has been much fighting to prevent the victory of a person with God's vertical standard of love. 2,000 years ago, Jesus came as this person, but he was killed. In this time of Rev. Moon, all Christianity and the whole world combined together in order to strike and kill me. But Rev. Moon is a smart person. I am proud of this. I am a very intelligent man, so the devil is most afraid of me. God, however, loves me the most.

What is it that Rev. Moon did until now? I have overcome Communism and democracy. The right-wing and left-wing directions have disappeared. Now only head-wing remains. The world will go crazy trying to grab hold of the Unification Church and its head-wing philosophy. We have now entered that stage.

Rev. Moon is a smart man, so in order to deal with the world, I have dealt with the scholarly world. In order to end the struggle between science and religion, I have explained religion with scientific logic and taught a content that today's modern intellectuals can digest. Through ICUS (International Conferences on the Unity of Science), distinguished scholars of the world have come to appreciate me.

How miserable has God been? He has been seeking tribal messiahs until today. He sent Jesus in the position of tribal messiah. Today Rev. Moon of the Unification Church has established the indemnity conditions of the individual messiah, familial messiah, tribal messiah, national messiah, world messiah and cosmic messiah. Now I have reached the stage where I can go over the 38th Parallel, the national boundary between North and South Korea. Therefore, the influence of Rev. Moon now is going all over Korea and making waves all over the world. It is making waves in five oceans and six continents.

What about Korea? A rabbit in a mountain thinks that her home is the best, right? She does not like where the tiger lives. I can take care of Korea any time, in any way. It is I who saved even America from its place of perdition. It is I who drew out the Soviet Union. It is not the CIA or the American government. If a man like that turned upon those churches who were opposing me, do you think they would have been well off? I would have taken them apart piece by piece. But I do not do that. I say to them, "Give it all you have got. Do the best you can." If they do their best but lose in the last wrestling match, are they still the champion? Would that kind of person receive the prize? He would be struck down by the public. He would disappear without a sound. In the religious world I did not fall away from the position of champion, but I have come this far with victorious authority.

God stood alone in a miserable position and sent one man Jesus; but they killed this tribal messiah. Through all sorts of hardships and difficulties God made Rev. Moon, and what did he do? Centering on all the rights of unity in the heavenly world and world of earth, he has climbed from servant of servant, through servant, all the way up to adopted son, illegitimate son and direct son; and from hell to heaven. Then he drove down an iron bar.

Rev. Moon, centering on God's love, sent the iron bar down from the world to the nation, from Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel to the lowest servant position. Through Rev. Moon, God's vertical love now extends down from heaven's highest place to earth's lowest place. You cannot take this out.

Moreover, even horizontally there is nothing that I have not touched. The fight is over. There is no one who will oppose the Unification Church from now on. I have cleansed all opposition, from the individual level, through the familial, tribal, national and worldwide levels, up to the cosmic level. In the middle of all this, a person who can call out, "Heavenly Father and True Parents," who determines himself to go beyond life if necessary, becomes someone who has no relationship with the world of the devil and the world of death.

In this vertical position, I have come to the world of earth as the representative of God in Heaven, and dispatched tribal messiahs on this earth horizontally at this time. Even if I die now, tribal messiahs will inevitably be grafted into this domain that is prepared in the world, connecting through this iron bar to the vertical world.

Thus, what am I doing now? I am sending out tribal messiahs and making them become the ancestors of Abel-type relatives. These ancestors have seeds of life. The Messiah is the father, and so he appears with the seed. Your relatives and mother and father have received the seed of the satanic world. If you strike against something with the seed of life, you will pass through wherever you go. Both the sticks of Moses and of the pharaoh's magician became snakes, but later Moses' serpent swallowed the serpent of the pharaoh's magician. In the same way persecution has now all passed away.

Tribal messiahship is what I hand down as the definitive core. Through it we can indemnify all the mistakes of Judaism and Christianity, and with victorious authority become the place where the blessings that Buddhism, Confucianism and all religions want to receive are combined. That is the tribal messiah. You do not have to worry about the nation. You do not have to worry about the world. All you have to worry about is your extended family. (1990.2.4. Headquarters Church)