1) What Is the Truth?

What kind of a person is the true person that God longs for? To find an answer to this serious question, scholars read abstruse books and interpret the difficult passages. They have an excellent talent in explaining them. But how much do such things relate to God's true will? This is really a serious problem.

Where does God head for? The modern world abandoned God just like an old shoe, concluding, "God is dead. There is no place for the dead God to go and we do not need a noun called 'God' anymore." Morals are being destroyed in this present age. There is no content which sets up an absolute standard of goodness. Because people cannot set up the absolute standard of morality, they look to relative standards. The way to reach the absolute is totally lost.

Are there any special things about Reverend Moon? He eats and sleeps just as everyone else does. Is my opinion so different from others? It is almost the same as others. The question is, "Centering upon what, is it the same?" Centering upon the "truth," it is not the same. The truth is truth equally for people in the past, present and future. The truth must also be the truth to God as well as to human beings. It transcends national and racial boundaries, the boundary line between the spirit world and the physical world, and the division between the poor and the rich. It also overcomes the divided cultural content of East and West. The truth can overcome everything.

From this viewpoint, what is the truth? No matter how much I declare something to be the truth, if it does not match with the truth of past history or of the future world, it will surely perish later on. Even if its start and its process were good, it would be lost in the end. If the standard of truth lacks something, it cannot survive in front of the truth. This is a very serious viewpoint.

What is the standard of truth? Centering upon what kind of people does the truth exist? The content which has universal validity is the truth. Should it be Korean or international? Should it be historical or contemporary? Scholars all know the answers to such questions. It must be international, rather than Korean, and historical, rather than contemporary.

Where is the root of the truth? The problems of juvenile delinquency or family breakdown result from the uncertain definition and standard of the truth. There is one more point to add. Truth does not belong to only one individual. Truth belongs to a family, a society and a nation before it belongs to me. It must belong to the world before it belongs to Korea, and it must belong to God before it belongs to the world. (1987.7.14. Alaska ISA house)