When you become a husband, you are to love your wife, and not show your shortcomings. As a responsible husband, you should become your wife's favorite person and someone that makes your wife proud to say, "My husband is a great person." You should be this kind of person. I wonder if Mother thinks of me in this way. The same thing is applicable to the father. It is not easy to be a father to a person from a different family. In fact, you should think like this, "My son is also from a different family. I am just rearing him; he will go and work for the world." It is a father-son relationship, but in reality, it is as if he is from a different family. Therefore, it is hard to play the role of a father. The roles of the husband and the wife are not easy. You should want to have a large family to take care of. If you look at a first daughter-in-law of a rich family, you will see that she has adapted well into her situation. No matter what difficulties she may encounter, she can handle any situation well. You need to have a lot of experience, looking after many people. When you marry, which would you choose? A husband with whom you have to stay with parents-in-law, or one with whom you do not? (With parents-in-law) Even though you stay with them, there will not be so much difficulty because of Teacher's education. Even though the daughter-in-law may be admonished by her father-in-law, the daughter will inherit everything he has when he dies. Do you understand? Even though she gets scolded by her feared mother-in-law, she should overcome it without any complaint; then the mother-in-law will praise her with pleased words. Afterwards, you will receive precious things, such as jewelry, from her. Do you understand? This is the way to be. A husband who has a bad nature may challenge his wife. Even though you may get upset and many tears fall to your chest, you can suddenly change your emotion and smile... If you are this kind of a woman, then you are a happy woman. How wonderful she is! What a beautiful moment of transition from tragedy to happiness. When you women are going to marry, do you say, "I am going to receive love"? (To give love) No, women out in the world say, "to receive love." So, you marry to give love; but how do you give when your husband does not want it? How? If you still want to give love, he may reject you, right? Then, what would you do? You should keep loving him, even crying. You must try to love him, even crying and risking your life for him. If you try to love your husband even to the point of death, he will submit himself to you. That is the way to be. Do not criticize all the cases you hear; each situation is different depending on how it is explained and how you interpret it. When her husband comes back from work, she is having a nap; what shall we do about this? In the outside world, if the husband is well known, to attend him the wife hardly has any sleep. Doing her best, making her clothes look more beautiful, putting on cosmetics, waiting for her husband the whole night... She is still not sure that she can keep the marriage going. They go through so much suffering. Do you understand? There are so many prostitutes with precious jewelry and pendants, singing and dancing, waiting to give whatever they can for your husband. Even though you have a great husband, you arrogantly say, "I want to be the only one to receive his love." Do you think he can live with you for your whole life? Look at your face, and think about where a man who can live with you for a lifetime is. How can he be with someone who has such round eyes, flat face, flat nose and lips, for a lifetime... "Till I get old....? How difficult will it be for him?" So, you must give him your sympathy. (133-172)