You bad girls, what have your eyes seen disregarding what your parents think and feel? This kind of country will perish. Teachers encourage students, saying, "why don't you go on a date?" "Why don't you party after school? It is okay to dance." These are Satan's tactics to destroy the ideal of Heaven's nation by creating a mess. Do you understand? Who is allowed to touch holy men and women? In the old days, a teacher never showed his skin in public. It used to be that women did not show their skin, and teachers didn't either. Nowadays, women show all of their body. In America, women wear mini-skirts these days. They let their bottoms and breasts show, walking along the streets with an open attitude, you bad girls. They are promiscuous. Is Heaven's law working in them? There are many men who lead their nation to perish by following their promiscuous people. That kind of world will perish. Do you understand? Well, what is Unification thought? What? (It is for the sake of others.) Centered on what? (Centered on God's love.) The issue is to accomplish the ideal of love. Without God's love, the ideal of love cannot be accomplished. A mother should even be able to write such a poem, "Oh my daughter, my eternal loving daughter...," glorifying her daughter. You should be able to hear from your mother that you are externally weak like other women, but internally you are strong. How wonderful it would be if you became sons and daughters worthy of receiving such words. So, are you a pious son or daughter? What are you? You people here, do you want to have this kind of children after you are married? How do you feel? You women, think about it. Do you want children like this or not? It is not important for you to have a good-looking face. Your face may look like a pumpkin on the fence. Like a wrinkled pumpkin. But it will be fine if you have love. Isn't this correct? Do you understand what this means? If you are a woman, upon reaching adolescence you should enter the realm of God's full love. Then, when you come together, it is like a fire, and then God comes. God naturally abides. That is what I wanted to say. When God comes, He brings love with Him. Therefore when man and woman are in love, God loves that. Do you understand? (132-253) You, when I look at you, I already know you well. With my senses, a glance is all I need to know you. You... Flighty people. Who would eat a radish that has been in the freezing wind, no matter how big it is? The top might have looked very green, yet on finding that the inside is frozen, no one would eat it. In another radish, the top part might have been quite small, but if it is fresh it is delicious. Do you understand? When you pick up a radish that has been hit by frost at the market, you will feel bad. Just by touching it, you will feel what it is like. When you lift up a frost-bitten radish, it does not weigh very much. You women, put up your hand if you think you are not a flighty person. I mean those who have not been influenced by America; for example, wanting women to be worshiped and expecting men to come and open the car door for you. This was the trend of the 70's. It was the stage of training to attend Mother. This trend was accepted for a little while, but now it has passed. There are not many days left till the end of the seventy years after the end of World War I, which was the time period for the training to attend women. People did not know the historical reason. God made everything be like this. Women should know how to attend their husbands. Then also what? They should know how to attend their children. What also? They should know how to attend their parents. Also? They should know how to attend the nation. It is good to attend God, but you must attend the nation. The nation is there for the sake of the world. Next, you should attend humanity. As you do this, you attend the world. As you attend the nation, you are also attending all humanity. These words have the same meaning. (133-153)