2) The Reason God Created the Universe as a Pair-System

If you want to enjoy the universe with God's love, what should the universe be like? Not only should God be able to enjoy, but also the universe should be joyful. Therefore, God created the universe as a pair-system. This is the correct theory. Even the mineral world exists as a pair-system. You cannot deny this. How does a crystal form? Do you know? It begins as a small particle and then it becomes larger as other particles join on. Using this concept of the pair-system, the crystal is able to expand and continue to grow. You cannot see this process, but it is happening everywhere.

You ask, "How did the universe come about?" It came out of the standard of the concept of love. That is why everything exists as subject- and object- partners, to bring about harmony. You cannot love by yourself. That is why all the universe must exist as a pair-system. Do you think this is correct? (Yes) The mineral world exists as a pair-system. The animal world also exists as a pair-system within each species. Then, even though God may try to put two different species together, saying, "You, go and join with another species," they will not listen. Why? It is the principle that He has set up. He can not change it.

The ideal of love must follow the principle of harmony, so that internal nature and external form can come together and participate in give-and-take action. Without this principle, any exchange between the two is a loss. That is why the whole universe follows this pair system. So Teacher's theory is right. The creation of the universe was accomplished with the theme of love. Everything is like that. That is very logical. Do you understand or not? (Yes, we understand.) We must make this clear to others. (182-123)

It is the same with animals. The season is now fall; the frost has yet to come. When you go up the hill and try to have a nap, you can hear many insects singing. It is like an orchestra; you can hear many different kinds of insects. One says "bik" and another "zak, zak"; all are in harmony. The quality of man's orchestra cannot be compared to nature's orchestra, not even our New York Symphony orchestra. The sounds of insects are so harmonious. What do you think it is all for? They are all seeking partners. Their foreheads are close together, and they rub each others faces with arms and legs. Just as when parakeets are in love. This is how it is.

Why are they like that? All creation was created centered on the theme of love. If all things were made different, then it would cause a big problem. They would wonder, "Why are we different, while man can love each other as pairs?" God knew that this could happen, and being the King of wisdom, He knew that the universe must be created as a pair-system. From the smallest being on up, all can live their lives joyfully, singing for eternity, in this universe. (182-127)