Father's generation has been miserable. I had to pay indemnity for Adam's time and Jesus' time. Also, I had to pay indemnity for the Formation Age, Growth Age and Completion Age. Therefore I had to keep Unification Church members waiting for fourteen years until I became forty, before I could give them the Blessing. In order to do that I had to establish conditions for restoration through indemnity of the situation in which Jesus became unable to go forward centering upon Zachariah's family and I had to establish what he could not, transcending the nation. If I talk about that, I cannot finish even if I speak all day. Next, during the seven-year course of the completion level of the formation stage, there was the world-level total attack against me. I went that kind of way during that period. You also have to go through a seven-year course. You still have a seven-year course to go. Do you understand? That is the way to go over the 6,000 biblical-year history. Therefore, now is the time when it is historically most complicated. Viewed from 6,000 biblical years of history it is a time of change for you. When do you start that kind of seven-year course? When to you have to go? Previously I said, "Your ancestors correspond to the Era of Restoration through Indemnity." Then in your case, which era is it? It is just the Era of Restoration. What is the difference between the Era of Restoration through Indemnity and the Era of Restoration? The difference is in the separation of Satan. Without separating Satan, the process is repeated over and over again. Now is the time of the Era of Restoration. In this era there is no persecution. Soon in Seoul, Korea, or wherever, there will be fewer and fewer people who oppose Rev. Moon and the Unification Church. Soon the day will come when scholars will say in their classrooms, "Listen to what Rev. Moon says." That time will come. You have to be prepared for that time. You have to go the seven-year course from now on in order to educate your own sons and daughters as well. That period is the Era of Completion. Therefore, you go the three-year course after engagement, and then after marriage you go another three-year course. This is the case of the Unification Church today. Originally it was to have been a seven-year course prior to engagement, not a three-year course after engagement. However, since Father has paid indemnity, this period became three years and a half and by adding another three and a half years after marriage, it becomes seven years. What you have to do first during the seven-year course is to make material offerings. Why? It is because you are fallen. Since all of you are in the realm of satanic dominion you don't have the things with which God can remake the world. Since even your physical bodies are fallen, you have to look for them from the satanic world. In order to recreate yourself you have to look for the material necessary for re-creation. Eve must indemnify what was lost by Adam; therefore, you have to look for material offerings necessary for recreating yourself in front of God. Therefore all the members of the Unification Church have to do this work. First, look for material. Then go to the front line and look for your own spouse. In order to look for your own spouse, you have to have three spiritual children. Without having three spiritual sons or daughters, you cannot find your spouse. It is because, in order to find your spouse you must have established the condition of having subjugated three archangels. Otherwise you cannot attain the position of Adam. In order to find your spiritual sons and daughters, you must go to the village where there is the most opposition against you. Just going to the village next door is no good. You have to go through three areas or three counties. You cannot make restoration in your own native place. You must go to Satan's front line and find them. Only after you have restored three spiritual sons and daughters can you receive the Blessing. Right? You go this way. There still remains the way of indemnity. How about you? Do you need spiritual children or not? Do you all have three spiritual children? You know that. Therefore, you have to make efforts to establish the condition of faith. You have to go round from the individual, family, tribe, people nation, and world. In that way you make restoration of the global Canaan. Next, you must visit Father's native place at least once. You should start from Father's native place. Do you understand? Go to my native place and make determination and pledge: "From now on I will go the really public way." You have to make a declaration. Where is father's hometown? It is Chung Ju. Therefore you have to go to Chung Ju and live there after the unification of North and South. There still remains that way. It is not so difficult for you to go to Father's native place. From now you have to serve publicly for seven years. Whether you are university graduates or not, all of you have to do public service, just like military service. You will go to labor in certain remote areas and everything. You need education in order to pass as a public person. You need elementary school, middle school and high school and also you need such a public course. After you graduate from high school, how old are you usually? You graduate at the age of fifteen or sixteen. Since the IQ of you children is higher, you can even graduate from high school earlier. Without exception, all of you have to go through the seven-year course and you must not fail in the process. In the Old Testament Age, those who committed sins and crimes were stoned to death. An even more terrible age may come. There are many things for us to do. We have to establish the traditions of our homeland of Korea. The modest way of Korean dress is one tradition. From now on Korean clothes must be made worldwide. You have to pass all of these things, and then you get married. But since you have been unable to do that, you will have to accomplish that during the age of your sons and daughters after three generations. If I don't live until then it will be a terrible thing. (April 8, 1986)