Then, do you love God in the true sense of the word? The question is whether you think God's love is more precious than anything else. Do you understand? You have to search for God's love. During the time of growth in which you lack judgment, you may be allowed to do what you want; but after you become old enough to be wise you have to search after the way of love thinking about what the desire of parents is. Otherwise you cannot inherit from the previous generations. You have to go over by liquidating both the horizontal and vertical histories. Even if you boast that your family is the best family and that you are receiving the Blessing, if Father had not followed the path of indemnity as such, there could not have been the Blessing of the Second Generation in your family. Do you understand what I mean? Are your parents true parents? In order to become the Messiah, indemnity conditions are necessary. For that purpose all the blood lineage of Cain and Abel must be separated centering on True Parents. Everybody must obey the words of True Parents. It is not even allowed to criticize them. Why is it forbidden to criticize them? It is because Father, as True Parent, is walking the way of establishing the standard of True Love after having searched for the absolute standard which the whole universe needs. This standard is necessary for your ancestors, for all humankind of four billion people, and for you and your descendants. In human history, no matter what Age it was, what has been needed is the standard of True Love. Those who criticize it will be smashed or destroyed. If I push them, they will fall down from the eternal cliff. You must be connected with the bond of love. Are you connected with that kind of bond of love? Are your fathers and mothers connected with me or not? Those who have been secretly saying, "They said so and so," are not qualified to participate here. Have you or have you not murmured in that way whenever you were gathered? It is no good if you just think like spectators. They have all been invaded by Satan. (April 8, 1986) Since you are now Blessed families, you have to go pioneering again in the seven-year course unless you have my special permission. Like your fathers and mothers, you have to go out again and come back after having suffered. You must be recognized by me, and yet you have not been able to go over the standard required. From now on all the records of your whole family will be kept and I will decide whether you have passed or failed in doing what I instructed. Those who cannot fulfill will be prevented from going forward and will have to retreat. (April 12, 1986) There is no other way for you to go. You have to follow me. You have to follow me and go over the nation and go over the world. You have to go over the world and the spirit world. You cannot advance as you wish. If you were allowed to do that, why would I have to endure such suffering? If I did not, I could advance more easily. There is only one way to go. From now on look at those who go their own way. From now on, if you cannot take the responsibility, your parents will have to go to other places. In other places, they will have to be retrained and will have to make indemnity conditions. (April 27, 1986)