5) The Attitude of the Second Generation is to Follow the Path of God's Will

Those who are not prepared will perish. Those who are prepared can protect themselves against risk and survive, but those who are not prepared will perish. I have tried every sport. Do you understand? So please study hard. (Yes) It is very precious for you to think that you will finish the four-year course in one year and train yourself for any task, thereby becoming a warrior for God. If people have such a heart, their country will not perish. You have to be stronger than Kim Il Sung's army.

You should understand how much explosive patriotism has been awakened in young people's hearts through Kwan Soon Yu's independence struggle. I set out on this path at your age with a determination to offer my own life, in my teens. When I was in school, I did not wear good clothes. I wore shabby clothes all year long. There were many used-clothing stores then. My student uniform was glowing with dirt and oil. So it smelled a lot. You should follow this kind of path, through which you can establish the heavenly law. You should go through ruthless storms, leaving parents, spouse, and children. You should endure and go over tears with smile. You should know that Rev. Moon has been victorious because I have unhesitatingly practiced this way. (112-237)

I have been persecuted and betrayed by Korea, and yet after achieving a victory, the nation cannot but praise me. Do you understand? When you study, you should gain honors. When I study, I can finish in three years what others finish in ten years. Concentration is a powerful thing. In a normal situation, mistakes do not cause so much harm, but in an actual combat, a small error can destroy everything. So you have to offer your life. Do you understand? Your stage is not Korea. It is the world. You have to have the complete preparation. Do you understand?

Everyone, you will say that I am a great man. I am doing amazing things. I have been making foundations in a variety of areas with an astounding determination. Now my foundation is such that even the president of a nation can come to me to save his country. It is like a dream. You should make a determination to become able to come forward confidently as the heir of tomorrow with an ability to lead a nation, starting from children of 36-couple Blessed families. You should march strongly with a confidence that bright light is coming to our Unification people. Do you understand this? (We understand.)

So, you should fully understand my words and be able to do anything. You should be atomic bombs of love, who can fly anywhere and destroy anything. So march forward with an eternal flag of love! Amen. (112-238)