3) The Reason God Created Humankind

What was the purpose for which God created Adam and Eve? Let's look at the image of man. Man has shape and substance. However, the incorporeal God has no shape or substance. Not having substance, God cannot reign fully over the spirit world and the physical world. God thus needs a substantial being in order to manifest himself as the Parents of humankind. Adam and Eve are the substantial being representing God. God manifests Himself through the being of unfallen Adam and Eve. Do you understand? Then, who are Adam and Eve? They are the progenitors of the human race as well as God's incarnation. That is, Adam and Eve are in the position of having substantial being on behalf of God and of taking responsible dominion over the world in the position of parents.

Why, then, did God create Adam and Eve? God has to unify the spiritual and physical worlds according to the image of Adam and Eve since they are the center of the substantial world.

Then, what is the center of the spiritual and physical worlds? Since God has been leading the spirit world, and Adam and Eve are to lead the physical world, they have to be united. Thus, Adam is in the position of King of this world during his lifetime. You understand what I mean, don't you? He is the eternal King, and comes to this world with eternal kingship. Then, what is the position of Eve? She comes as the Queen who represents eternal queenship. Therefore, when they go to the spirit world, they will be in the role of King and Queen there representing God.

Then, what does the incorporeal God do alone in heaven? The incorporeal God has no purpose by Himself. In order to be Parents of humankind, God needs an incarnation to be able to feel. God has to dwell in a substantial, human being, and He thus had no option but to create Adam and Eve as beings of dual characteristics.

Why did God have to create Adam and Eve as beings of dual characteristics? To be the same as the incorporeal God, they must establish the standard to completely unite mind and body during their lifetime. If they go to the spirit world without fulfilling such a standard, their external aspect cannot be united with God. In order to establish parents bearing the substantial kingship and who are united with the incorporeal God, and to realize the kingship of manifesting through a substantial being in the eternal spirit world, God had to create Adam and Eve as beings of dual characteristics.

Without a relationship with Adam and Eve, God has no way to connect fully with the world. Only when a relationship between Adam and Eve exists can He be connected to their children. That is a natural connection.

The reason God created human beings is to place them in the same parental position as Himself by manifesting through their substantial being. The same parental position has both internal and external meaning: that is, while Adam and Eve are the external parents and the external God, God Himself is the internal Parent and internal God. Adam and Eve are as the body of God, with God as the mind of God. God is the Parent of humankind. The original Parents. These Parents are not separate, but one. One Person. Thus, creating Adam and Eve like a branch temple, God comes to dwell within them. As God works within them, Adam and Eve can have an ideal relationship. Without God present and working, they cannot know God's Will.

Without that, there is no foundation upon which God can make a relationship with human beings. After the original foundation was destroyed, we can conclude, God could not have that original relationship with humankind. No matter how many people live in this world, therefore, they have not had this relationship with God. (133-91)