3) Beverages

Next, we will talk about beverages. The United States has the most beverages in the world. You must make a decision in advance about how many bottles of beverage you drink a day. From now on, when you drink a beverage, those who have heard Father's words should think, "Drink after you think about the world at least once." Father likes water best; I know the taste of the water. Water is very good. You should save as much money as possible when it comes to these things.

In my own home, there are problems. If beverages are left, then, without my knowing it, somebody takes them away. It happens in the morning, and that is no good. If you have nothing to do, then you just drink all the time and then you go to the bathroom all the time to urinate. For what purpose? Why are you like that? This is a problem you have to think about. What do you think of this? Is it a problem you don't have to think about? You have always to think that you are wasting money. It is necessary for you to think about that.

Those who live thinking about the world, the coming generations, and the future will be remembered absolutely by the nation and by the world and by Heaven. They will never be forgotten. You should know that.

From that point of view, I gave instructions that you should think about these things. You should know that I am giving the right instructions. If water is not good for you, then you can choose one or two beverages instead of water and drink those.