1) The Subject-Partner of the Mind and Religion

Do we have a mind? Have you seen it? It exists, although we have not seen it. Who is its subject-partner? Have you met the master of the mind? When you like something, can you like it alone? Absolutely not. If you keep smiling by yourself, people will call you crazy. The mind and body fight. It is because the mind does not like the body, and the body does not like the mind. But the fact that they don't like each other means that there is some way they can like each other. Then what is it that they like? What is the object-partner of the mind? Since the mind is invisible, its object-partner is invisible. The saints have pursued the object-partner of the mind. (41-73)

Can you become God's sons and daughters through the body? No. Since God is invisible, you cannot be His object-partner through something visible. God is the absolute center as the invisible subject-partner. You cannot stand as His object-partner through a visible body.

The object-partner has to be invisible. Since God is absolute, infinite, and incredibly large, His object-partner must be invisible so that it can be also miraculously large and miraculously high. For human beings, this is the mind, not the body. (41-67)

How happy it will be if this great mind meets the object-partner with whom it can rejoice and sing eternally together! This is such a precious place. This is why Buddha proclaimed, "I am unique above and below heaven." He discovered the value of the self, unique in the whole of heaven and earth. We see that God is also like me. For this reason, the mind likes the incorporeal God. The mind cannot rejoice until it encounters its object-partner. Human beings seek merriment and boast of their youth in search of bodily joy. But such things soon will come to an end. The way of pleasure is empty, but the joy in the world of the mind is inexhaustible. For this reason, wise people wander about in search of the invisible object-partner of the mind. The Creator of the universe is the absolute center of the universe. We must insist that God relates especially to my mind.

The mind desires that this idea be systematized on a global scale as a philosophy that can transcend time and bring hope to humanity. In other words, it desires to establish a God-centered philosophy. The world the mind desires is not structured like the current social organization. Throughout history, religion has created the internal world and organizational structure that are desired by the mind. In other words, religion has been establishing the foundation that conscientious people have wanted throughout history. A religion does not belong to one nation but to the whole world. Although a religion arises within a nation, it develops beyond the nation and goes into the world. (41-71)