1) My Origin Is God

Every human being has four limbs and a face, but this basic structure has a great variety of forms. Among such diversity, who can be the standard for me? None of my ancestors can be the standard. When we take a moment away from all the complications of the world and quietly reflect upon ourselves, we realize that we are relational beings. Thus, every part of the body-hands, eyes, nose, mouth, limbs, and so forth-move for the purpose of relationship. When they work together toward a purpose, they require an object-partner. Only then can there be an evaluation of good and bad. Where in the universe did I originate from? Human beings do not know their origin. Did I come from an unknown being? Why did I come into being? It must be because of some purpose. It is not enough to say that the purpose is to become a subject- or object-partner, however. What, then, is the necessary condition? What is needed for me to exist today? There are front and back, right and left, and above and below around me. Among all that surrounds me, what is the subject and motivation for my existence? It is God. The purpose should be centered on the relationship between God and man rather than just on man. For human beings, there is a substantial image to be achieved in the future, beyond the present reality of the self. (12-144)