2) Significance of the Portion of Responsibility

The term "portion of responsibility," is not something used very often in this world. Yet in the Unification Church it is a term given more significance than any other term. Within the Unification Church, without knowing the two terms, "portion of responsibility" and "restoration through indemnity", none of the content of history can be understood, and neither the mistakes of history nor unknown facts be resolved. That is how important they are.

The term "portion of responsibility" as used in the Unification Church is very important. Through fulfilling this portion of responsibility, Adam and Eve are finally completed as human beings. They will become perfected human beings. And if there is a Creator, the purpose for which He created man is fulfilled when the Creator perfects man. This results in the Creator establishing his authority. Thus, the position of man having fulfilled his portion of responsibility signifies the accomplishment of all of God's ideal of creation. (169-45)

Portion of responsibility! We must know this well. We must emphasize this to the children. The history of salvation is the history of restoration, and the history of restoration is the history of re-creation. How is re-creation implemented? In a principled manner. We must fulfill the portion of responsibility. Portion of responsibility! The portion of responsibility is our absolute belief. Absolute obedience. There is no other way. Assertion of the self is not possible. Do you understand? Eve asserted herself and fell. Don't come into the Unification Church and complain. (143-113)