2) The Goal of Our Faith

The goal of religion until now has been individual salvation. Devoted believers have kept their own individual salvation as the purpose of their faith, thinking that they might enter the Kingdom of Heaven as an individual. They could not have even the notion of the salvation of a family, a tribe, a people, a nation and the world. What is the basis enabling the salvation of a family, a tribe, a people, a nation and the world? It is the salvation of a family. The national-level providence cannot be run unless a victorious foothold is made to enable the foundation of family salvation to be firmly established on the earth. Therefore religion has dispersed in all directions, and while being chased away and blamed by the nation it has been preparing such a foundation. But it has taken responsibility for only one side, the spiritual realm. (32-241)

That is the goal of our faith. Just by believing do, you think you can go to heaven? Just by determining to go to heaven do you think you can go? Do you think you can just sneak in through the gate of heaven when, by contrast, in places like government offices you have to repeat whole procedures for even just one spelling mistake? Absolutely not.

You cannot enter by any external conditions. You can enter the Kingdom of Heaven through heart. In the world of heart, since time and space are transcended, there is neither progress nor retrogression. There are no fixed outlooks or patterns either. It is the only place where there are alpha and omega, the beginning and eternity. (7-225)