2) The Reason for Study

What is the meaning of accomplishing the Will of God? It means to become one with it internally and externally, vertically and horizontally, in all directions. This is accomplishing God's Will. Having His Will, God couldn't let Adam and Eve create there own rules in their condition after they had been created. He laid down the ground rules. Did He say to them, "You, grow up, quickly!" or not? [He did] So, He told them "not to eat." \For their part, Adam and Eve had to learn certain things. To be qualified to have control over all things Adam and Eve had to know their own characters and special qualities, and their likes and dislikes. Without knowing those things they couldn't be qualified to exercise dominion. (134-121)

You must know that you study not for your own well-being but for becoming friends of the people in miserable conditions and for teaching the unlearned, and for liberating them from their shackles and bonds. (33-289)

Anyone who says, "I am going to be an able man," must study. Why does he have to study? Because he knows the value of that field. (63-214)

What do you study for? Anyone who studies for the sake of studying is a failure. Your study must be for the world, and your eating meals must be for the world as well. (63-214, 33-209)

Your study is not for your family or for the Unification Church, but for the world and God. You have to study harder to save the world and God. (130-321)