Look at our face. How about the nose? How precious is it? It drinks always, every hour, day and night, even in sleep. It must drink more in the night, for it snores. Why does it drink twenty-four hours? Life depends on it, so it is serious. Therefore, it is worth placing the nose at the center of the face. It says "I am at the center," to be treated like a king. You can stand for five minutes with your eyes closed, but what if you close the nose... It is placed vertically with great dignity for it is important. Next, there is a mouth there. The mouth. The mouth is placed horizontally but it moves vertically. Why all of these? They all resemble one another. Resemble each other! The horizontal one resembles the vertical while the vertical one resembles the horizontal. What does the nose symbolize? Adam and Eve. It symbolize man. The nose passes air in all directions: to the eyes, to the ears, and everywhere. Therefore, if you blow your nose the wind... The right side nostril stands for male and the left side for female. What are these? God breathes through these. Breathes what? God breathes the air of love. Love is what we breathe in spirit world. What is air? It is love. Love. One should know that there are man and woman as each other's counterpart for practicing feeling love, to breathe love. Hence, though the nose is placed vertically it has two holes. They become one in the inner part. Since they become one, why not make them one in the first place? All the reasoning leads that way. Do you feel good if one nostril is clogged? It malfunctions. Out of order! Therefore, this clogged nostril causes the whole body to malfunction. If these are Adam and Eve, the malfunctioning male and female cause the whole universe to be crippled. What can we connect with this nose? We can always connect a lifeline! Adam and Eve both become one and connect the lifeline centering around eternal love. Then the ears are a factory, the eyes are a factory, the mouth is also a factory for tasting. Here are intelligent agents: they smell, taste, hear, they do everything. Since the eyes symbolize Heaven, the nose is connected to the upper part and to the mouth. What is the nose? Looking at the nose itself one can see that it goes to Heaven and the universe above. They are all connected to the nose. Hence, it became the center. There is a line starting from the nose, isn't there? That is why it controls even the creation. (118-112, 123-127) Among all things in the face, the nose is the ugliest. Washing one's face one has to bend one's cloth because of the nose. Why is the nose formed this way? To make everyone bow and be thankful as one washes one's face. Why was the nose made this way? It knew ahead that there would come rain and snow. What if the nose turns upside-down? Rain and snow may get into the nose. The nose has a wide bottom because it knew that there is a mouth underneath. Besides, there are ditches on both sides to make sweat run down. The ditches somehow knew that sweat runs down, didn't they? Rev. Moon's nose is somewhat distinctive. It is elevated and tipped, like a Jew's. The religious clan has a sharp nose. Look at the Jews. Theirs are all tipped. When one's nose is tipped, it means that one is keen. See for yourself. Mentally one is sharp. Artists and religious leaders are born keen. (96-229) The nose symbolizes Adam and Eve. How can Adam and Eve be happy? If we look at the noses of Western people, this part is narrow and this part is high. With Eastern people, this part is low and this part is wide. And with African people, this part spreads out and this part is short. But if you look at the proportions between them, they come out about the same. (laughter) Think about it. Isn't it that way? Then why do African people have to have this part so wide? Because it's hot there, a lot of air has to go in and out. But because some white people live in the Arctic Circle, in cold areas, it wouldn't be good for a lot of cold air to go in. It should go in slowly little by little. (laughter) The whites come from the Arctic Circle, the Arctic Circle. The Far East is in the temperate zone, the temperate zone. The yellow race, because it is in the temperate zone is rounded like this.... (laughter) It's true. If we look at it like this, if this symbolizes Adam and Eve, in the future who will accomplish the harmonization of the people of the world? It's neither the blacks nor the whites. It is the yellow race. From the point of view of face reading that conclusion can be reached. Since the representative country where the blacks and the whites are fighting is America, God thought about it, and sent Reverend Moon. That can be said. (applause) In order to hold on to the two and to get them to stop fighting takes perseverance. We need perseverance. The way that Africans are in general is relaxed, laid back. Laid back. Why are they laid back? Because it is hot, they cannot help but be laid back. Isn't that true? [Yes.] (laughter) Whites are very industrious. If the bears living at the North Pole don't move, they freeze to death, just sitting still. So the whites are industrious, too. It's true. But in the temperate zone, in summer it's hot, so people become relaxed or laid back, and when winter comes it becomes cold, so they become more industrious. This makes for harmony. And there are spring and autumn also. In terms of the climate as well, in the future the person who will be able to lead the world is not a white, nor a black, but rather someone from the yellow race. I'm not saying this because I come from the yellow race. Do you understand that? (laughter) Therefore, world leaders--people who presented thought systems and ideals--came from the East. The thought of Western civilization served as a stimulant in the history of conflict. The people who shed a lot of blood in history are the whites. You need to know that. In the Arctic Circle one has to hunt animals in order to eat. That's the way it is. Africans eat a lot of vegetables. They pick fruits and eat them. That's what they do. In the history of humankind, the race which has shed the least blood until now is the black race. The yellow race is between the two. People of the yellow race eat meat and eat vegetables. Having these concepts in your thinking is good. (laughter) Then when we look at this nose, we should know that the nose itself should resemble a circle. Isn't that the way it should be? It must be harmonious. Look at the structure of the white people. Not someone like that, but ample people whose faces are round will take possession of all things. Therefore Western civilization one-sidedly says it is deep. In science or detailed matters it is deep. Many Africans don't mind thinking about one continuing problem for 10 years, 20 years or for a whole lifetime. Eastern people think the most about people. Therefore they have high-level concepts about the ethical problems of humankind. Do you understand what I'm saying? [Yes.] (107-297) Knowing that it wouldn't do to not breathe air, the nose was made with tiny hairs, like lattice work, in the nostrils. If you look at the nose you see that there is hair in the nose. If a pipe is blocked, it makes you angry, right? If a pipe is blocked, it makes you angry. Originally a pipe should be smooth, and if one blows "whoop" the air should pass right out. If something blocks it, it makes one frustrated. Then it would seem good if the nostril were made so that nothing blocked its passage, so why is it blocked in such a confusing way by all this hair? Look in a nostril once to see if you can see the actual air passage. Even if you stand upside down and look in, you cannot see it. Anyone who has not seen this, later on before we eat lunch take a good look in your friend's nostril to see if what I'm saying is right or not. It's blocked very well by hair. All of the hairs grow towards the center and have blocked the nostril very well. The nose knew that there was dust in the air. The air usually goes in through the center, but because dust must not go in, the hairs grow toward the center. When we look at the nostril we may wonder why this bothersome hair is there. But that hair must be there. The ends of the hairs all gather in one area and stop the dust or particles which enter the nose. If dust comes into the nostril, it is caught on the hairs and mixes with the mucus in the nose and hardens, and then comes out. The nostril was made that way after much research. Did it just grow that way naturally? Would it have become like this just naturally? Even if humankind had designed it, it couldn't have come out like this. So did the nose know that there was dust in the air or not? [It didn't.] If it didn't know, how did it come into being on the foundation of this absolutely perfect principle? Then mustn't there be an internal originator? What do you think? Even communists have nothing to say when I talk to them about this. When we look at it like this, our body is so mysterious. I just wanted you to experience more concretely whether God exists or not. (38-155, 54-99, 37-20, 24-20, 39-164, 38-250)