We humans possess a doubled structure. We are ourselves born and situated as a resonator and a mediator of the spiritual world and the physical world. Whether male or female, one has the doubled structure of mind and body. The mind is vertical while the body is horizontal. One cannot be situated nor positioned without passing the horizontal and vertical origin. \Thus, wrongly positioned, deformed, upright, and right are not determined without vertical and horizontal standards. The position is not determined without them. Neither are east and west determined without them. \We can catch the logical basis of justification in that the purpose of the individual and the purpose of the whole which the Unificationists emphasize have a historically appropriate logical basis. Then, what is the purpose of the individual? It is to be complete as an individual. The purpose of the whole is to complete the whole. \Therefore, it is true that where there is no completion of the purpose of an individual there is no completion of the purpose of the whole. Human beings have physical purpose and mental purpose. Then, which of these is the greater purpose? Which of these should we accomplish first? The mental purpose should be accomplished first. Let us assume that there are a small individual purpose and a big individual purpose. Then if one abandons the small one for the sake of pursuing the big purpose, it generates a plus factor. Hence, it benefits the small purpose and it also causes the accomplishment of the big purpose. \The communist, who acknowledges the objective world, says that it is subject to destructive fighting in history. For this reason Communism will perish someday. Human beings have the target of life from the very beginning of their birth: the purpose for the whole and the purpose for the individual. Man is born with a dual purpose.