4) The Limits of World Education

We live in a world full of uncertainties about learning and teaching. One can learn evil very easily. Nor can one rest his mind easy. The Communists are everywhere, right next door. One can get into a wrong argument, with a terrible consequence.

People up to now have taught their sons and daughters so that they can have a good family life. That's all in reverse. Our days are all turned upside down. We must achieve a good Heaven, a good world, a good nation, and a good society to achieve a good personal life. This principle has been turned upside down because of the Fall. People say, "If I can live well, then my family can live well, then our society will live well," which is all in reverse. It's all up-side-down. Heaven looks at this kind of world and wants humanity to end this upside-down way of thinking. "To revert back, to restore, you must beat your bodies," it says. Christianity has been persecuted because of this insistence, as have been the Christian family, the Christian nations, and the Christian world.

What use is there in today's American educational methods? You must cut off everything at the root, must cut off everything, cut off everything completely.

What is it that the American young follow in pursuit of their individualism, their self-interests? It's pragmatism, and this philosophy of profitable life must be completely, 180 degrees, reversed, turned right side up. What happened to a nation once based on Christianity? This is not the work of God, but of Satan who plays with them. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes] I also understand that you have been getting an individualistic education in America and have grown accustomed to the self-centered way of life; and all this makes your work very difficult.

As I travel across America I feel revulsion about living in America. I also feel our children should not be educated in America at all.