When I look back on myself, who took charge of me? When we look back on our own personal, historical courses, we will realize that we ourselves didn't prepare anything substantially that made us worthy to be called for the providentially historical and extraordinary will of God. The more we feel this, the more we cannot deny that we were called and should believe that fact firmly without any doubt. We should be grateful to God for calling us despite our inadequacies. Also, we must not forget the fact that a pitiable history of death was necessary in the process of God, so noble and high, coming and establishing a relationship with our humble selves. Before we were called here, you should know 1) that Abel's blood cried out, 2) that Noah's 120 years of sorrow dwell there, 3) that history was suffused with the sorrow of Abraham who in order to serve God left his homeland and suffered as a wanderer, 4) that it was filled with the sorrow of Isaac who determined to be a sacrifice in front of God and to be obedient to Abraham, 5) Jacob's heart of longing for his homeland during his 21 years in Haran, with a heart centered on wanting to restore his people. Furthermore, 6) there was the sorrow of the Israelites who suffered for 400 years in Egypt and on the way to the blessed land of Canaan many of the people became ill and died during the 40 years in the wilderness, 7) the second generation who remained went into the land of Canaan and centering on the concept of the new temple went through numerous indemnity conditions in order to receive the Messiah, and they were invaded by foreign peoples and experienced the sorrow of a people without a nation. All that sorrow was there. Then 8) you should realize that there remains the sorrow of Jesus who could not fulfill his historical mission through subjugating Rome when he came to Israel, which was a tributary state of Rome, in order to meet the day of hope. Even that is not all. 9) You must know that from after the time Jesus died until now, for 2,000 years there was so much sorrow in history at the shedding of so much of the blood of our Christian forefathers. You should know the limitlessly high God connected all these things to your lowly self. You must never forget the solemn fact that your connection comes on this foundation paid for with blood, through these conditions of historical sorrow, these requisites of sadness. You must keep this kind of heart and know that in choosing you, although you are inadequate to be chosen, God had a hidden will to bring to fruition through you, the historical price. We should know the fact that you and I with our pitiable histories are needed because God became pitiable and history became pitiable. Therefore, in the center of our minds and hearts, we must have a heart earnest enough to multiply all the strength we have one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand times, and to give all our loyalty and filial piety to God, and even if our life finishes not to die, You must clearly know that if you don't have that kind of mind, you are a traitor to the Will of God, a traitor to the hope of our historical ancestors, and a traitor to the mission of this age. The more you realize through what process that noble high God had to come to set up a relationship with your humble low self, the more you should realize that even with your dressing up properly, kneeling down, folding your hands in prayer and bowing thousands and ten thousands of times to God, you are still inadequate. God called you because you are needed for the fight of goodness. Therefore you must not be a deserter who enters the fight of goodness and turns back. You should rather decide that you would rather die as one of the believers of Unification Church. This is the attitude we should have and we should realize with confidence that we must be in this situation. One must make a determination which compensates for one's inadequacies but with doubled or tripled determination, and compare oneself with a person who has all the necessary requisites. As much as one feels one's inadequacy, one should double or triple one's determination. We should realize that we are in this kind of situation as believers of Unification Church. (22-88)