May 1, 1975, Chung-Pyung workshop site What is the thing that I, the teacher of the Unification Church, have to do today? I have to win a complete victory on the individual level. Then this must be connected. In order to do that, all the complex issues must be solved. Shouldn't everything be taken care of like that? Shouldn't all the complex problems starting from the individual level be solved? This is the most difficult thing. The beginning is what is difficult. Similarly, the beginning of family in the Unification Church was difficult. Then, we are to climb up. When you look at this, the higher you go up, the smaller this becomes. Isn't this true? As you climb higher, this gradually becomes smaller. Until this point! When you move up until this point, the more you climb... So, you are to climb up through this course centering on my family. What is important is the fact that we have paved the road through which we can go any direction horizontally centering on this nation. Until now, people could not cross over this hole. Here, everyone met their ruin. Do you understand? (spoke while writing on the blackboard) Therefore, when our families cross over this line, the indemnity course will no longer exist. When you exert yourself, all your merit will be inherited fully by your descendants. They will inherit it all. In the past, because there was an indemnity course, if we made a mistake we would have been doomed and moved elsewhere, but now the time has come when your accomplishments can be secured as your own. Your accomplishments so far are not yours. They are in the middle. We are to pile them up in the middle. Who is to become the owner of them? Just because one collected wealth, it does not always become his own. Although we have been making contributions in the position of still fighting over their ownership, now is no longer such a time. We have entered the era when we can decisively claim them as our own. So, as long as we exceed the national standard there is no need for such concern. It is our Principle's perspective that from now on we will enter the era when we can make leaps. Do you understand? [Yes] Because such times are coming, what are we to do after ushering in such times? If we did not face this era, then we cannot just jump over it. So, in order to exceed that standard we have to liberate everything centering on the original standard before the Fall. They must be liberated. For this reason, I have conducted the Ceremony of Total Liberation on May 1, according to solar calendar, in Chung-Pyung. However, do you know why I conducted it in Chung-Pyung? This is because I consider Chung-Pyung to be the center of the international foundation. When you consider it on the level of Korea of course this is the headquarters, but I bought Chung-Pyung in order to make it an international workshop site in the future, and it is the place that I have offered such prayer. Accordingly, whenever I have time I go to Chung-Pyung. Do you understand why I go there? [Yes] Because I knew that that is the place where spiritually all fortunes will concentrate and where all important problems must be solved, I have formulated all the important ideas there, such as the May 16 rally. This is how it should be. Why? Because it is an international place. Because that place is located far apart from the headquarters and at a place where the river is crossed. Because it is in the position of reciprocity that can connect to all the oceans of the world and at the same time has the significance that I can connect that object to me who is in the subject position. I consider Chung-Pyung very important and whenever I have time I go there. Do you understand? [Yes] Because there is a Principle content in everything, I have been doing that kind of thing. So, I have conducted the ceremony of total liberation centering on May 1. You all have heard about it, right? [Yes] Due to the fall of man, what became the result? God could not be a free God. In other words, He became a restrained God. Next, the first human ancestors became restrained. Because of sin... Next, even the angelic world fell under the yoke. Not only that, countless religious people in history are suffering under the yoke. All humanity is experiencing the same thing. Further, Satan came into being. The evil spirit world came into being. The substantial objects of the evil spirit world also emerged on the earth. All of them have formed a boundary centering on one nucleus. In order to jump over this barrier, people must walk a course called the course of indemnity. For this reason, in order to create the situation in which this can be crossed in the proper manner, heaven and earth have to be placed on a plane. In order to be able to walk the life course following the proper path in the middle of that, the road from earth to Heaven must be prepared in advance. This is the time when centering on our Unification Church the foundation on which we can enter the national realm as individuals is being laid down. For this reason, even in the spirit world, the way through which we can enter the national realm as individuals must be opened. Such a ceremony is the Ceremony of Total Liberation. God is bound by the sources of grief and resentment, and so are True Parents, the angelic world, and so are the countless religious people centering on Jesus, patriots centering on the sages, and saintly men and women, heroes or heroines. Wouldn't this be true? Most, although they became patriots or saints of the nation, because there was no way that they could become the people who could be connected to the providence for God, they hold this great grief and resentment in their hearts. Next, all the evil spirits under the dominion of Satan ultimately have become like that because the Fall brought such results... They also do not want to be Satans. As much as possible, they wish to return to the good side, God's side. Then on account of whose fault have things become this way? It is not because of any wrongdoing of God, or mistake of the angelic world, but because of the mistake of Adam. They have become like this because of the wrongdoings of the ancestors of mankind. Then, who is to bring resolution to this? A true ancestor of humankind must solve this. Teacher Moon of the Unification Church has come in order to carry out that mission. However, I have been receiving opposition for decades in Korea centering on the Unification Church. This could not be solved yet. It has not been resolved yet. So, because of me, God, who knows me, is feeling sorrow in His heart. So, what has to be done? What are the wishes of Teacher Moon of the Unification Church? It is the liberation of the nation. The day that we can win the victory on the national level is the day that marks the liberation. Isn't this true? We have to free Jesus from grief and aggrievement. For this reason, without laying the foundation for the liberation centering on the nation, there is no way that Teacher Moon of the Unification Church can liquidate sources of sorrow and realize long-cherished wishes. If I cannot do this, it is more so with God that there is no way for Him to be freed of His sorrow and aggrievement. When God cannot get rid the sources of his aggrievement, then it is obviously impossible to free the angelic world of their fetters of grief and bitterness. Without bringing solution to the angelic world, there is no way for humanity to find the path of life on the earth centering on the True Parents and as their objects. Isn't this true? For this reason, through the liberation of God, the liberation of the True Parents, the liberation of the angelic world, the liberation of the heads of religions on earth... All this must be accomplished. Next, the liberation of the sages, patriots, heroes must be undertaken, and next even Lucifer, Judas, and Emperor Nero... Until now, we have been living in the satanic realm of the evil world, but in the name of True Parents and not of Satan... When we examine the principles of the liberation ceremony, as the proper path of the liberation of God and the angelic world becomes linked to the earth, God's original will is not to punish or judge people, but to save their lives, bestow the ideals and bring happiness and blessing. The way will open up for you to advance toward the good world which corresponds with the sphere of life that each of you work in. (79-24) What is the spirit world like right now? Since God can come down freely, there is nothing that prevents the whole spirit world from coming straight to the earth. Until now, everyone was blocked from coming down because each denomination was different from the others. Only when there is an agreement at the top and it is enforced will all the doors be opened for people to travel both horizontally and vertically; but until now, this has not been the case. However, now, after the liberation ceremony, at the same time that God descends the True Parents also come, and then the good sages and heads of religions in the spirit world are to come. Next, even evil Satan.... Until now, Satan has been on the side of evil, but such is no longer the case. Since all who oppose us go toward hell, everyone is trying to go to Heaven. So we should hold the gun facing backwards; even in respect to Satan, we should liberate him. Therefore, we will enter the era when without anyone being aware of it, the evil forces will collapse. When three years pass from now, this will fully raise its head and appear on the earth. Do you understand what this means? [Yes] So, in my third seven-year course, I have roamed all over America, and gathering the fortune of Christianity in the spirit world, I have returned to Korea. Because I have exceeded the national standard spiritually and after having reached the world level driven the fortunes here, by connecting to the national foundation physically and by securing the basis for the world of earth on the spiritual world victory we can create a new beginning point on the world level that can completely indemnify the spiritual and the physical and step up to a new level. (78-224)