2) Unification Will Take Place First in the Spirit World

Listening to all the words that I have been speaking about up to now you might be saying, "that is probably true," but you have to understand that the earth is following after me who has already learned this in the spirit world and has already flipped over the decisive page. Originally, if there had been no fall, the physical world would have stood before the spirit world, but because of the fall, the order has been switched around. (131-40)

For this reason, without making the spirit world united, it is impossible to bring unity on the earth. If unity is not attained in the spirit world, oneness will also not be found on earth. They share a common fate. Look now. The phenomena wherein the Western people want to marry with the Asians, and the Asians want to marry with the Westerners are very good.

When the spirit world looks down, think about how happy your ancestors will be. Think about how great it would be for the people of the five races to... "Ha!" (laughter) Think about it. In the spirit world, white people are clustered only among white people, and black people stay by themselves; the spirit world is all divided up. People with yellow skin stick to themselves and are always in conflict. Because these things are happening on the earth now, those in the spirit world will be softened up and become one, all of them. Unification will take place. Accordingly, it will become one world, one world. As in the prayer, "Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven," because this is what is happening in the spirit world, similar things will happen on the earth. You have to understand this. So, have I accomplished great works? How about it? [You have accomplished great works.] (applause) (90-188)

Without uniting the spirit world, the earth will not be united. At the very least, I who stand here have the ability to unite the spirit world. Not only do I have the ability, I have already accomplished it. Jesus, Confucius, Buddha, regardless of who one is, everyone must cooperate with me. For this reason, a person who is faithful and is open to the spirit world... Even just yesterday, a Buddhist devotee came to bow before me three times. He said, "My parents ordered me to pray for teacher Moon twenty four hours a day, so I had no other choice but to obey." Buddha also has to cooperate with me. If there is someone who does not cooperate, then I will use the heavenly law to make public accusations. I am one with such capabilities. Do you understand?

Be it Confucius, a leader of Islam, or whoever, they will all melt before me. You have to understand that even the Communist world is all eroding in the spiritual realm right now. Do you understand what this means? (82-309)