Having spiritual parents alone is not enough. Spiritual children must also become spiritual parents themselves. Even after you become a member of the Unification Church, your blood still remains in the fallen realm. Isn't this true? [Yes] For this reason, you yourself must have dominion over the three angels. In order to do that you have to educate them to unite. Unless you are in the position to love them more than your own parents and brothers in order to raise them fully, you cannot build the basis for restoration. Do you understand? [We understand] You, regional leader of An-Yang, how is it? [Yes, I understand] Perhaps you have not been asking this question. You did not even ask the question of why spiritual children are so important in Unification Church. So, in Unification Church what is absolutely necessary? [Spiritual children] If the spiritual children become one and wish, "We wish that Adam and Eve become a couple and have a child. Please let them have a child soon," and when the child is inside the womb, they should applaud and make preparation for her. Who is supposed to make all the preparations? They are not supposed to be done by Adam. The archangels, the spiritual children, are supposed to do it. When the three wise men came to bow before Jesus at the time of his birth, they did it representing spiritual children, representing the historical era. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes] Similarly, you must also sincerely wish that your spiritual parents could truly become that kind of couple who has received the Blessing inside the realm of God's love and given birth to children. Only after you do this and love the children that your spiritual parents have given birth to, can you really be loved as angels. Do you understand? [Yes] Your spiritual children must love your own children. The spiritual children, the angels, must serve Adam and Eve as their ancestors of faith. Only after they love your own children can they receive love as spiritual children... Isn't the Principle of Restoration through Indemnity annoying? It is logical. Do you understand? [Yes] Because this is how things are, when your spiritual parents give birth to their children, you who have become their spiritual children must serve the children just as angels were supposed to serve Adam's children. Only after that will the parents give the blessing, "Now I support you to receive the blessing," they will say, "because you have loved our children." Then you can become adopted children. The lineage is different. Because you have loved the children of their direct lineage, by standing in the position of having attained oneness with the them you can finally be pulled into the place of blessing. You cannot go for free. You must love the children of your spiritual parents from when they are inside the womb, as if you are their twin brother or sister. Because centering on God's love you have loved the child of your spiritual parents from while inside the womb, in the standard of heart this is the same as your being born from the womb. In regards to the order of the birth, you were born first as the first son, and the child blessed inside the womb of Eve was born later, so horizontally because you, the spiritual son, were born first you are in the Cain, or older brother, position. Nonetheless, Adam's son, who was born as the younger son, is the true son. For this reason, only by your serving absolutely from your position will Satan's birthright of the oldest son be canceled and the second son of the heavenly realm become the oldest son and the new beginning take place. Then all will be resolved completely, right? [Yes] Having fully fulfilled the condition of total oneness, you have to help that child become the best oldest son. Then, only after he grows up and asks you, "Since you have loved me from while I was inside the womb, please participate in the position of blessing with me," can you, the spiritual child, enter the position of blessing. This is a fundamental aspect of the Principle. Do you understand? [we understand] Adam's son also needs this. He needs archangels who can wait with a longing heart for the blessed parents to have children then help them raise them. You have to clearly understand that for the purpose of substantially paying indemnity for this difficulty, you absolutely need spiritual children. Do you understand what spiritual children are? [Yes] There are three kinds of meanings. First is the need to restore the archangel, second is the restoration of the whole satanic world, and the third is for the sake of moving up to the position of son where you can be blessed. So, the spiritual children must engraft themselves to the children of the spiritual parents. They must engraft themselves to the children of direct lineage that the spiritual parents have given birth to. Do you understand? They are not to engraft themselves to either the spiritual mother or the spiritual father. Since they are children, they must be engrafted to the children. (127-56)