4) You Should Treat Members with a Parental Heart

Do parents love children because someone taught them to do so? Did a mother learn how to love a child or not? [She did not learn] She did not learn, right? Moreover, were children taught how to long for their father and mother and follow their footsteps? How could they have learned it from someone. They come to understand it automatically. Do you teach a man how to love a woman and teach a woman how to love a man? Likewise, in the world of heart, we come to realize these things automatically. There is no need for education and authority for this. Think about it. Did many college students go out pioneering? [15, 16 years old young people] They all have problems with faith.... A college student will believe in himself if he is capable.

You should not stand is that position but have the attitude of a parent... What is our motto up to now? Have I been preaching in vain that we should have the heart of parents to serve the earth with sweat, shed tears for mankind and shed blood for Heaven, and so forth? This is how I have been living. You should go out witnessing in exact accordance with that motto. You should test and see if what I am saying is true or false. It's the same when longing for a member with the doors open wide when there is no member. If you do that, then you can even hear them coming. This is how longing you should be. You should try to be like that, and see if people come or not. The way will surely be opened.

That is how it was when Hyun Shil Kang here came to visit me at the Bum-RaeGol. When I climb the mountain, my heart is filled with the longing for my children. Wow, I can hear them coming. I can hear it, and it is at the very center. Around it... I dismantled this wall with my faith. I took down with the heart of God what had been blocked off by the fallen heart. So they are rushing in. Do you understand? You have all become hooligans because you have not been doing witnessing like that.

When you go in there you will see that food has been prepared and stored in piles. The members will bring it all. [smiles] Sons and daughters of God will never die of starvation. When you are doing witnessing and pioneering, if people find out that regional leaders or witnessing members are starving, then those who know cannot eat their meals. Their throat will be blocked off.

When I was in the prison, even if I was just sitting still, people would bring me grain powder saying, "I was told to bring this to the number so and so." I was offered a lot of grain powder in this way. So, it seems like you do not want to die. How is starving to death? You will go to Heaven. This is how I tell your fortune. [laughter] You should do it with the mind-set that those who try to live will die and those who try to die will live. You are as you are because you become worried before anything else. (1969. 5. 12)

Who is to be responsible? When there is someone who is willing to take on the burden, accepting it as his own responsibility and struggle on, on account of him the external satanic world will start to crumble. This is how the history of indemnity progresses. Do you understand?

For this reason, you must possess the heart of a parent. You should have the heart of a parent who has become the owner. This is why we are preaching, "Let us possess the heart of a parent in the body of a servant, and shed sweat for earth, tears for mankind, and blood for Heaven." The day that you can achieve this, you cannot but become the representative of the parent. If the parent complains, then what should the children do? Those children who say, "Oh no, this is disastrous," should die. When the parent weeps, children try to die on their behalf. You should understand this. This is why we have decided on such a motto.

This is the thought that will bring unification centering on the subjective love. This is the Unification thought centering on the subject. Then, what is the meaning of the character, "tong," in "tong-il" (unification)? It is the tong character that means commanding. Being in the position of command is to serve someone. Does it mean to guide? It means to guide. So how difficult would guiding be? If you can lead people so that in the end they can arrive at some comfortable position, then they will try to serve you. Because at that moment there will only be comfort and there is no room for complaint, people will ask, "On whose account are we in such good situation? It is because of the teacher." Therefore, even if you tell them not to, they will serve you well. Likewise, until the day of glory when all people can serve you, you cannot escape the path of tribulations because you have to always bear that burden of responsibility.