13) Treat Them Like Your Close Friend or Relative

What are you supposed to do in your region, in simple terms? You should go to a place where people have gathered around and give a speech. You should also make jokes. You should make friends, and even wrestle. Since there are a lot of people in the park, you can divide the people into two groups and do some fighting competition. You should push like this and hit like that. Temporarily, you should create such an atmosphere, and you should guide them through exercises even if they number over one or two hundred. Rather than playing sitting down, it is better to find something that all people like. Why can't you do it? Everything can be done if you do it this way.

You should be thinking about how to absorb the crowd by doing this. As much as possible, you should sleep in their houses. You should befriend them and say, "I like you very much. I find that you are very much like my uncle and my cousin, so I would like to spend a night in your house." (Laughter) If you say that, then how would he respond? Would he reject your request when you are telling him that you like him, you want to become friends, and feel that he is like your older brother? After spending the night, then you should be up at dawn and clean up the front yard as well as inside the house. Then you will be asked to come back again to spend another night, and even be asked to come over once a week. This is how it is. This is all a part of the strategy.

Even when you go shopping, you should do witnessing. After you buy something, you can tell a joke, "You are very beautiful. You look like a model. My younger sister looks a lot like you." Would anyone be displeased to hear you tell her that she looks like your younger sister, a relative or someone close? You are trying to flatter her. You can say how you miss your younger sister, so you are very happy to run into someone who looks like your younger sister. Then you can ask her to have lunch together.

By this time, she will ask who you are. She will become very curious, and will want to find out. Then you should take this chance to boast about your house. After you bring her home, you can tell her that Rev. Moon is in your house and explain how you lead your life. You should tell her everything. After that, you should invite her father and mother to go for a picnic in some nice place, and then... This is all a part of the strategy.

It is diverse and interesting. As you try it out, you will find that there is not much to understanding a person. People will want to become friends because as they deal with you they will learn that they have a lot to gain from you and nothing to lose. This is what you must think about. Do you think you can be successful in witnessing by telling them to simply come and listen to the lectures, to the Principle of Creation, for example? (laughter) Rather, it is better to grab on to one's nose and tell jokes, becoming friends by being informal and casual. You must learn how to become very close, like long-time friends, in a matter of one or two hours, or two to four days.

How do you do that? If that person is an old person, then you can tell him that he is like your aged uncle, and you can ride on his back saying that his back looks great. You should say that his back reminds you of your uncle's, and request that you ride on it. Then what would he say? (laughter) What can he do when you are telling him that you want to ride on his back because you like him? Would he scold you then or beat you with his fist? (laughter)

Do you just sit still blinking your eyes wondering, "Are people coming? Should I go out witnessing?" A man should take on challenges. So my son, Hyo Jin, likes to ride horses. Mother says that he is just like his father. He can do everything, such as riding motorcycles and so forth. Mother is not so pleased. But one should try everything. This is how one can grow. If you are like this, like a bookworm it won't do.

If I do it like that, then I can do in three years what normally takes ten years to complete. It is possible. So, what is better? More than someone who memorizes several pages of a book and behaves like a wimp, we need a man who can go out to jump all over the place, shouting loud enough to shake the whole village. You must understand that now. Therefore, you must realize that this is how you should be. Do you understand? You have to be a bit eccentric. (94-97)