3) To Progress, You Must Become One with the Providence

While living for the providence until now, where did I place the emphasis? Where is the place that God dwells, in other words, where is the cardinal point that God could dwell in? How do we become one centering on this? How do we assimilate? How do we establish a unified foundation that God can recognize, and apply it internally? I placed great emphasis on these issues until now.

The satanic world interferes in an attempt to block this externally, and God carries on the battle in order to conquer the satanic world.

For this reason, all the world-wide situations that are taking place in this world today are, strictly speaking, external. Where in this world does God dwell? If it is in Korea, then where in Korea? God always enters the church. What is the relationship, then, between the church headquarters in Chung-Pa-Dong and the place of God's dwelling? If they are two different places, then the Unification Church cannot progress, but will come to an end right here.

If there is something wrong with this, then it cannot become the central place of world-wide assimilation. Moreover, it cannot become the center for digesting the world. The internal center cannot be founded in such a place. Then what must be done? The person in charge must always be preoccupied by the determination that no matter how difficult the environment, he will not lose the cardinal point and the position that determines the center. By upholding this philosophy, he could find resolutions to all issues of private life and public life in the society.

Your life in the society is no more than an expression of the internal life. The crucial question is, amidst this type of life, whether or not I move toward the direction that is in line with the providence. As the body acts centering on the mind, the external world must move centering on the internal central point of the providence, i.e., the dwelling place of the providence. (22-39)

God never provides a period of external transformation unless there exists the foundation on which the period of internal transformation could be undertaken. If He provides it without this condition, then people will perish. You must understand this. The reason that He strikes the period of external transformation is to give the period of internal transformation. Therefore, in any period, leaders of the period of internal transformation were persecuted and chased out by the environment. That was the case with Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed and Jesus. You will come to realize this point if you examine history.

Then why is it this way? This is in order to create a secure internal root that corresponds to the degree of external persecution. Just as the standard of mind is higher than the standard of the physical body in the eyes of God, since the internal standard is higher than the external standard He is trying to strike the external standard in order to absorb the internal standard. All peoples of history are to pass through such a process. (18-75)

The mission of the Unification Church is not limited to the church. The responsibility of those who are gathered here or those members of the Unification Church worldwide is not particular to the Unification Church. It is responsibility that can link nation, world and even the spiritual world.