You Will Make Contact with the Spiritual World When I talk about something and I speak in a situation of serious heart, I sweat and drink water. No one in the world can know the taste of water at that time. How does the water taste? You cannot compare it with the taste of cola, or of water with honey. The taste is very different. Every time, the taste is different. Do you know what I am saying? You must discover that. If you don't feel that, you cannot sense the spiritual feeling. You cannot respond to everything about the spiritual world. If you feel that, your ears will first become very sensitive and hear what others are saying even if they speak at a distance. Even though you close your eyes, you know who is passing by and know if he's a good or a bad person. Without such spiritual sensibility, you won't be able to differentiate between the good and evil spirits of the spiritual world is good or bad. You must be able to know without seeing. The eyes of your mind are in a higher position than the eyes that know by seeing. Do you understand what I am saying? Why am I saying this? It is because you still have a long way to go. You must know that. You must not be proud of yourself. This is why the Bible says, "the one with the empty mind is the fortunate one that will receive everything." This is the same principle. All these words are saying the same thing. Do you understand? However, you are not giving lectures. Without giving lecture, there is no way to find the world. While giving a lecture, you will be able to have contact with the spiritual world. If such a phenomenon happens, you will lecture in a half-conscious state. If you lecture from the Principle of the Creation to the Fall in a half-conscious state, everything that you lectured will happen. This is why you must know how the activities of the spiritual world and reality fit. You must see and feel. In front of your eyes, it is in front of your eyes. This is why you must become crazy, crazy. You must continue the lecture as you become crazy. (96-170)