3. Lecturing and Witnessing

1) Speech has the Power of Creation.

Try to talk about the contents of Divine Principle until you feel disgusted. It will be exciting once you do that. We should know that this speech has the power of re-creation. I know that wherever I go, God is with me, and with that heart I can influence the people. Do you understand? [Yes]

That's the way we can sway this country. I cannot go to every place by myself. I have built bridges between people. So, you are in the same boat, and you have common responsibility. Do you want the providence to be accomplished rapidly or slowly? [Rapidly]. (107-252)

You should know that wherever you go the blessing will be there. In the place you speak out, there will be a miracle of revival and re-creation. We need such a crater of love in every place.(166-83)

Once you know the Principle, you want to open you mouth. You may not want to talk about your family business, but you will lose your appetite unless you speak about the Divine Principle. Do you know that?

Can you complain? Can you say that I am wrong? You should want to visit and talk to people day and night. If you repeat it, then there will be creation. When I see the lecturer speak of Divine Principle, he speaks softly at first, but in 15 minutes, "Wa! Wa" he shouts. He is so excited and intoxicated. Have you ever felt like that? (167-330)