When you join the Unification Church, you should be liberated from the pre-conceptions of the past in which you lived a habitual life of faith. You should abandon views of God bound by your past concepts. (26-23) Walking the formula course is not for the church, but for yourself. Father's directions to you have been to help you, not for the church. Therefore, you should not think that you are working for the church. The way that humans should walk is for the nation and the world, and therefore, everyone should go that path. (34-265) If even after joining the church, you get a job, play all kinds of games, and even use the church for your own benefit... But the church will not be used. Look at the people who left the church after using the church. All of them will become beggars. Wait and see as to what will happen to them. Heaven will not be used. The fortune of the world will not be used. Personal fortune should follow the family fortune, and the family fortune the fortune of the society, and the fortune of the society the fortune of the nation, and the fortune of the nation the fortune of the world, and the fortune of the world the fortune of the heaven, and the fortune of the heaven the fortune of God. (163-34)