4) The Importance of Holy Objects

In the future, what should we do? What is offered to Heavenly Father is a holy object. That is what you should be prepared for. You should personally attend Him. We are now in the age in which we should do it.

Let us say that there is a person "A" who prepared a special offering in springtime and that offering was worth 3,000 won. He or she should not offer it alone.

Why so? Who has been fighting centered on offering objects? They are Cain and Abel, and God and Satan. Then, what is God's lamentation? Before the offering objects, there should not be struggles. If it is brothers who are making the offering, they should be united. Isn't that right? Nevertheless, when offerings was made, there were struggles between Cain and Abel in the positions of Satan and God.

That became a condition that grieved God's heart, and today, when we make an offering before God, we,-all humanity-should be united in heart. If we cannot do that as a whole, we should make a condition in which at least Cain and Abel are united. Don't you agree?

For this reason, when you make an offering, worth 3,000 won for instance, you should not do it alone. You must find a companion--either Cain or Abel, depending on what position you may be in, and in cooperation with that companion you must make that offering.

Therefore, in Korea, when offering something to an elder we always do it with two hands, which is perfectly in accordance with the principles of heaven and earth. That is a heavenly protocol that is derived from natural conscience as a beautiful custom and tradition that has been passed down from generations to generations. (150-302)

When you make a special offering to God for a new season of the year, you should take a bath and pray, "Father, I offer you this instead of my own life. Although it is something so small, as it is a holy object that was made with all of my heart and mind for you..." For you to overcome all of the historical conditions in which holy objects were invaded, you, as an individual, must make a condition that can indemnify them.

By so doing, you must succeed in making a condition that can transcend the struggles between Cain and Abel by becoming one with another. Only then can your offering become a holy one that can be liberated from Satan's attachment to it. If it is done alone, Satan will be still attached to it.

Then, what should be done in the future? Let us say that person "A" is sending some money to person "B" living in America. Since "A" chose "B" as his or her companion, he or she should send that money directly or send him or her all of the detailed written information. If "B" then stands in the position to reciprocate in heart, body, and actions, it will become an infinite honor and glory to "A."

In the future, Heaven calls you as someone in the position of Abel or Cain and another person as a partner in order to make an offering, it is a great honor. It means that Heaven recognizes you. The fact that you are invited to attend such a special occasion will itself be a great honor. Therefore, you are not supposed to come and attend just at your own will. (150-306)