3) You must Love even your Enemies

What is the biggest headache in this world? What is the most difficult problem? What is the greatest cross? What is it? Satan, it is Satan. Who is going to take responsibility for this? When you say "I will take responsibility. We will take responsibility," if you can become the kind of person that God can then say "Okay, you take the responsibility", God's headaches regarding Satan will go away. Will you take responsibility for Satan? (Yes.)

God allowed Satan to accuse Him for 6,000 years. How despised Satan must be. Think about how despised he would be. Even God who is omnipotent and omniscient has endured suffering for 6000 years. How much suffering have Unification Church members who have taken responsibility for this endured? If you say you will take care of Satan, do you think that he will meekly follow behind you and accommodate himself? Do you think that if you take responsibility, Satan will leave you alone? What do you think? (He will not accommodate himself.) Who will take responsibility for these things? Who will? If you are going to take responsibility, you must do it with the secret key that will defend against him. You must do the things that Satan cannot do. Satan is a destructive being with an evil hand. If there is anything that is good, Satan will try to destroy it. Therefore, what is there that he cannot do? If we are to defeat Satan, we must do the opposite and destroy evil things.

So, is it easier to destroy good things or is it easier to destroy bad things? Which is it? Also, is it easier for a good person to become bad or a bad person to become good? Which is it? (It is easier for a good person to become bad.) Satan is the thief who made good people go bad even in the garden of Eden.

So, can you take responsibility for that? (Yes.) Your answer maybe "yes," but think about it. Have you thought about it? If I now leave Satan to your responsibility will you say, "Oh, this is the gift that I have been waiting and waiting for"? (Yes.) If that is the case, then you will become the saviors. You have to think of how the domain of responsibility expands to even these problems. When you look for all the fundamental rules to follow when disposing of these problems, you will find that there are none. The only method is by trusting others, living for others and loving others. You have to bear the cross. Outside of that, there is no possible way. Do you like that? (Yes.) Please think about it. It is a very difficult thing. Short of sacrificing yourself, it is very hard.

Can you sincerely trust others, live for others and love others? How do you think God does it? Have you thought about how God might be able to do it? Don't you think that this would be difficult for God also? God would like to be able to prove that through a test he was able to accomplish this easily. Even though he stood in a position where he has not been completely trusted, lived for or loved, God trusted, lived for and loved completely.

The fact that he let his beloved son die on the cross was how he practiced that heart. To do that for those who couldn't trust, live for or love is a look into one of his ordeals. It is possible to think in this manner. You have to know that this kind of serious problem is connected.

Therefore, the person who can fix all the problems and take responsibility is the leader. Do you want to become that kind of leader? (Yes.) That job is difficult. If there is a leader who is able to take on that task and complete it, that leader will become the person who can forever control history. God must also take on that responsibility. When the Messiah comes to execute God's responsibility, if that Messiah is not a leader who can take care of such a responsibility, he will be a Messiah that only judges, which is not right.