Everybody in the realm of the Second Generation should become a leader, then they have to become the foundation of the state. Is it just the university? In front of Reverend Moon and in front of South Korea, the Second Generation are all the university, junior high school and high school students. Do you understand? We must call everyone and hold a rally centered around the 20-year-old youths. After we call and rally them together, who must they center on? They have to unite with the professors. This is the vertical Cain and Abel. Brotherhood is a horizontal Cain and Abel relationship. They have to be one like the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students. Once this unity becomes strong, we have to next make a model of this society centered on this movement to influence famous people through the professors, and the youth through the students. After I build the worldwide foundation as soon as I come back, you have to be connected over to the national standard. When we connect to it, who is the center that it must be connected to? Through the Principled viewpoint should we connect centered on the Second Generation or should we be connected centered on the First Generation? It is not on the opposition party nor on the government party; it's on the Second Generation. Based on the nature of the academic sphere of South Korea, only in the universities is there a standard of consciousness remaining. (April 7, 1988) My thought is that from now on we have to create that new climate, do you understand? If you do the movement well, you will not be defeated by the lazy left-wing youth. The Second Generation, do you understand? (Yes!) Therefore, this kind of conclusion comes. We have to be responsible and we have to stand up on the realm of liberation; that is, we should be able to connect to the liberation of the world, that the nation should go and should be able to achieve the nation's liberation and that the people should go and should be able to achieve the liberation of the people. (Sept. 13, 1987)