2)The Unification Church has Been Working to Save America

I did not go to America in order to develop the Unification Church and brag about it as its leader; I went with a great mission to show the historical direction for the world. So I could not share this with anyone. I have been fighting alone, keeping it only to myself. As I see that now global problems are coming to the fore, I feel that God's work transcends human understanding. (70-37)

At the Yankee Stadium rally, I declared that I came to America as a doctor because she had become sick, and as a fire fighter because she had been caught in a fire. Who could say such a thing? Could an American president say it? What American young man could say it? This is an historic event. At the Washington rally, I proudly proclaimed that I came in order to save the decadent American young people and turn them around as the youth of the future. Can any American professor say such a thing? (91-64)

I warned America that she would go down in no time. I attacked them bluntly in broad daylight, those who consider themselves citizens of a developed country. I said, OAmerica will perish. I am shouting lest it should happen. I will uproot all the systems that are connected to Communists." (62-129)

America is regarded as the prototype for democracy. Thinking that when religion is dismantled here the whole country will Fall into their hands, Communists are making step-by-step preparations to bring it about. When I know such things, I cannot but do this work in America. (92-131)

I am teaching American people that they should have an ideal that transcends the nation and that they should change from a country that lives for its own sake to a country that serves the world. This year, I am fighting again in order to switch on the transformation process. (85-62)

You may not know this. There is a promise I made with God when I came to America. I pledged that by the third year of the third seven-year course (1977), I would take the responsibility to find a life path for America and that I would do this work as long as I lived. For the short three years, I have been doing things that are almost impossible in America. You should know that it was not my accomplishment, but God is the one who supported it and made it possible. Therefore, it is a miracle that we are witnessing impossible things being made possible in front of our eyes. You should know that we have a victorious result that surpasses any victories in the past. (87-94)

I used shock therapy in order to save the dying country of America. I said, OAmerica is now being consumed by fire, and I came here as a fire fighter to rescue her." I also said, OAmerica is now dying of sickness, and I came here as a doctor to heal her." This remark irritated American pride. I knew how the people would respond, but I also knew that the country could not be saved without shock therapy. So I had to be willing to go into prison. I went to prison for saying the right thing. (88.1.1)

How did I guide the nation of America? From above I guided the presidents, and from below I guided the young people. This is my view: when the president and the young people start having ideas of serving God, America will be saved. (79-186)

Every politician who visits America tries to gain benefit, but I came here to give benefit. Yet they still treat me badly. They treat me even worse than a beggar, not anything like a president or government minister. They just spit at me and ridicule me, calling me "WMoonie." Even beggars are not treated so badly, right? For this reason, when they turn around, they will submit themselves one hundred percent. Does it seem likely or not? [It does] We are going forward for this day. (92-103)

Throughout the Communist and the free worlds, there is only one person who really serves America. Only Rev. Moon is here, urging people to work to save America. I am doing this with all the money and people possible. I love America. For what? I am doing it for America and the world, and yet white people are accusing me of trying to swallow America. (79.5.1)

I am thinking, OAmerica, don't perish but just wait for another ten years. For when I am here in America, you will be saved eventually in my hands." That time will come. If those who know this fail to fulfill their responsibility, they will be accused. So when I plead to God, "I will take the responsibility, so please help me,." God cannot but help me. He helps. This is why I can stir up this commotion. (87- 195)

We must save America because she is the center of the democratic world, and through saving her we can save the democratic world. Although America and the American churches oppose Rev. Moon, we must save America, the American churches, and even Communists, as Jesus said, "God, please do not forsake them." We should be willing to take up the cross like Jesus. You should know that the Unification Church is trying to inherit the tradition of Jesus and to work accordingly. (87-136)