Although you may not know this, Japan is a country that is targeted by world Communists for a Communist revolution. Japan has a very mixed culture, with many different religions, including Christianity. Since Japanese culture is composite in nature, when she is Communized, she has no cultural foundation through which to connect to the world. So Communists can conquer Japan faster than any Western countries. In this dire situation of Communist threat, therefore, we started an ideological struggle through universities and media. We also proposed an open debate; however, Communists know that they cannot match us in arguments. (65-335) As you know, the Communists in Japan recognize that unless they overthrow the IFVOC, Communist revolution is impossible in Japan. They are confessing that they are surpassed by us in activity and speed as well as in theory. In the area of philosophy, confused philosophical systems have been dominating the world, but now we are influencing the world with a clear God-centered philosophy. Our church really has vast resources of treasure. I want to point out, however, that even we ourselves do not know this. If we have a clear idea about this and fight on with a dominant philosophy in order to attain the world leadership, God will surely lead us to victory. (79-81) These days, Japanese Communists are at a higher level in theory than Chinese or Soviet Communists. When I said that we should gather about five hundred young people and start a VOC campaign against such high-level Communists, you must have had all kinds of thoughts, even calling me insane. Without the VOC activities, however, Unification Church would not have been able to preserve its dignity. (25-328) Every Saturday, we held seminars for politicians in Japan with different titles such as OFuture of the World Centering on the PacificO or "WMilitary Situations." True, the prime minister has his own political advisers, yet their advice cannot be compared to forecasts and recommendations made by dozens of top experts in a variety of fields. In this way, we tried to guide and turn around the Japanese Government's policies. After five years, there meetings drew serious attention from prime ministers and advisers, many of whom tried to gain materials from it. In Japan, I emphasized unity to Unification Church members and to Japanese people and held many seminars with the theme that Japan and Korea have a common fate. This way, I opened a way to bring in a new view of Asia and renewed the atmosphere of Japanese politics. (80.11.1) If Japan seeks to promote the interest of Asia rather than just its own, it will be able to avoid being labeled as an enemy and will survive. Can you believe that I am thinking about ways for their survival, when they are my enemies? It is because this is a way of rescuing Korea at the same time. Although Japan is an enemy of Korea, if we can organize a Japanese volunteer army to protect Korea, then it becomes possible to organize volunteer armies of liberation all over the world. With such a consideration, I dispatched teams of German, Japanese, and American missionaries to almost every country. These three are economic superpowers, yet they have been enemies for thirty five years. Although their countries have been enemies, they must become one in their mission places. If they can unite, this unity of enemies is enough to unite neighboring countries. In this way, the foundation of unification has been established along with missionary foundations. Now the remaining question concerns who will be the standard-bearer of world unification. (80.11.1) It was through my own strength that I drove away Communists from Japanese politics and universities. That must be ten years ago. (166-117)