5.The Communist System

The Communist bloc has been able to create a single, uniform system. There can be no pluralism. Then, unwavering support is given to this system by the powerful strength of individuals and clans, the nation and the state. We have nothing that is capable of matching this strength. We don't have the military; we don't have the state; we don't have anything. Just think how strong a system we would have to build. Everyone would have to have his head cut off before we reached the point of judgment.

No matter how much they say the Communist system has changed, it is not possible for them to completely rid themselves of this system.

They say that they will pursue the kind of socialist establishment that develops naturally in each country, but they do not trust the free world. That is why they will be left with nowhere to stand. (162-155)

Systemic changes in the Communist bloc are impossible. There is no way for them to retreat unless they suffer a total collapse. That's the way it is. This is the most difficult problem facing Communist China. They have developed their system under their current ideological structure. My idea, then, is that if we develop a content that is superior to the Communist system and then transpose that on to their structure, we will be able to exercise influence over the whole thing. We have a good opportunity now to do that. Communist China may be in retreat now, but it would cause tremendous problems if we were to allow that country to Fall apart. The issue would become very complicated. China would enter a period of confusion similar to the Warring States Period. (163-206)

China today faces the difficult problem of how to bring about change in their established structure. They have to effect changes in the structure that currently link everyone from the highest position to the very lowest; but this is going to be extremely difficult. If they set about to change their political structure, for example, it may be possible to change certain portions of it, but it will be difficult to bring about comprehensive change. There is the possibility that many negative consequences may come about as a result of opposition from young people who have been indoctrinated in the current ideology and from those who played leading roles in establishing the foundation for the current structure. That is why it will be very difficult to bring about change in the Communist establishment unless there is a new ideology that can be used to graft their current establishment onto a new establishment that is superior to Communism. (163-193)