The goal of the Communist Party in North Korea is nothing other than the OliberationO of the South. It's unification through Communization. This is what Communist China encouraged them to do, and the Soviet Union did the same. What would happen if the South were to be Oliberated"? They would be able to control Japan. Their analysis is that if they can control Japan, then they will become the leading country in the Pacific age. If Kim Il Sung has his way, then he will propose that the Japanese Communist Party and the Communist Parties of other Asian countries form a new united party that would not be subject to the Soviet Union. The proposal would be for the weaker countries that do not want to be subject to either China or the Soviet Union to band together within the Communist bloc to form a new structure bringing together the weaker nations. The aim would be to put the brakes on the Soviet Union and to put the brakes on America. That's what they are preparing for. In that sense, North Korea, in addition to their constant effort to strengthen their domestic foundation, has been much more active than the South in the area of international propaganda. They have established embassies throughout the world, and through these they are working to educate the leadership of each country, including cabinet ministers and department directors within each government ministry. Magazines about Kim Il Sung are being delivered to the living rooms of all these people. How many years since the country was liberated from Japan? TheyOve been playing this game now for 39 years. In North Korea, anything can be accomplished if the order is given. (163-189) They were calling for the OliberationO of the South even at the time they were first establishing their government. TheyOve been calling for this now for forty years. They have not retreated even one step on this. The claims being made by the North Korean establishment today are exactly the same as when I was there. They just keep on going according to their established program. When they first began to preach their doctrine, there were many people who expressed opposition. They would shake their heads from side to side. Gradually, though, they strengthened their hold on the country, until now no one would even think of shaking their head. They are at the point now where no one can speak even one word in opposition. (163-185) Soon, the problem of Communism in the United States will be closely tied with Korea's problem. The Soviet Union believes that it can defeat the United States and be victorious throughout the world only if it removes the foundation of the United States centering on the 38th parallel. To support this, North Korea calls for the withdrawal of all US forces in Korea on the one hand and conducts a peace offensive on the other. The Soviet Union, too, carries out a peaceful offensive, saying: OLet's do thisO and OLet's do that." If North Korea is ultimately successful in its peaceful offensive of OLet's become one,." then eventually the Soviet Union will project itself onto the Korean Peninsula. If that happens, it will just help itself to South Korea. (January 21, 1986)