6) The Role and Mission of the Unification Church

What is the Unification Church? Where is it heading, embracing both the right and the left? Its purpose is to guide people to the world of happiness, that transcends the struggles of the world. Then, you should not live only a two-dimensional life.

Even if it comes down vertically, all of this should go together. Even if this is done like this, it should be able to go down further. What that means is that the Unification Church should be equipped with a theoretical system that can restore all of the failures that were brought by other ideological and thought systems of the past. But at the same time, it should embrace them and move them horizontally. By so doing, from the vertical standard centered on religions it should also pursue connecting everything based on the foundation of spiritual experiences that can be mobilized.

Unification Thought should analyze systematically both human-centered humanism and matter-centered materialism indeed, all humanistic views and all God-centered ideologies from the past to the present, bringing a content that can unify all of them. At the same time, from a vertical perspective, it should become a global religious thought that can be experienced and can connect religious denominations, transcending them. This we must understand. What do I mean by all this? First, it means that we should become a person who can be thus reported by materialist Communists: "That Unification Church member is more dedicated than we Communists in all aspects including personality and conscience. The Communist Party needs someone like him or her."

Second, we should also be thus reported by secular humanists: "We wish to have someone like him or her in our world as well." Third, we should be thus reported by Christians: "Wow! The Unification Church members are remarkable people although they do not belong to our denomination. I wish we could have such a person in our church." Fourth, we should be thus reported by God as well: "Truly, this person is someone whom I need, no matter what." That is, we should become a person who meets all qualifications in these four aspects. Then, all problems will be solved. Such a person can be complimented by the Communist world, by the secular humanists, by the denominationalists, and even in spirit world.

Since no one who lived on earth and passed away has gone through such a process, this person can be proud even in the spirit world. What does that mean? It means that this person has a perfect brain, perfect feet, perfect hands, and perfect internal organs. Then if there is a museum for a perfect man and a perfect woman to be chosen and exhibited, such a type of man and woman will be chosen from among Unification Church members. We can digest Communists. We can digest secular humanism, Christianity, and even God. With what? With true love. With true love. (162-102)

Since the Unification Church belongs to the head-wing, it can control both the right-wing and the left-wing. In the secular world, there is no head-wing. That is why the two sides are fighting. (181-245)

The right is right-wing, and the left is left-wing. They are fighting. Right? But now, they should become one, centered on Rev. Moon. The same goes with Russia and U.S.A. The head-wing thought comes from this. "Yoo" in Chinese character means a head. In order to become the head, it should come here and be connected centered on God. If these two worlds of mind and body are connected centered on love, everything will be finished. (164-191)