Today, if the democratic world asks for the third liberation, the Communist world will ask for the second liberation, wouldn't they? From this perspective, from where will a new ideology and thought that can be a flag-bearer of the second and the third liberations, and that can be their original source, stem? It cannot stem from the human world. Humans have been striving to receive liberation for many thousands of years, but they could not come up with a right content. Therefore, liberation cannot take place centered on humans. (13-225) Would you become a nationalist who lives only for your own nation or a person who lives for the world? [The world.] Religions are not only for the people who live for the world but also for God. Their purpose is not to benefit only humans, but also God. Which ideology is better: the one that benefits both God and humans or the one that benefits only humans? In other words, is the ideology that serves both God and humans the best or the one that pursues the happiness of humans alone, abandoning their original master? [The former.] Your answer tells me that you know the right thing. Religions are good. Then, will it be all right for the ideology to be pleasing only to God? From the Principle's viewpoint, it should not be so. It should be pleasing both to God and humans. Communists assert that God does not exist, and that matter is life itself. They would not want to go to hell. However, Communism will eventually perish. Even religions that exist only for the sake of God will perish. Likewise, religions or ideologies that exist only for humans will perish as well. If not, I will make it happen with my own hands. Then, will the ideology that serves and benefits both God and humans be welcomed in the realm of God or not? Also, will that be welcomed in the realm of humans or not? It will be welcomed by both realms. (43-44) What is the cosmic ideology? Our ideology is superior and one step further advanced than Communism. Its purpose is not only to liberate all humankind but also God. Therefore, without heart, it cannot be done. Since parents are connected to children with chains of heart, unless children are liberated, parents cannot be liberated. Therefore, let us create a history of heart. Let us establish the tradition of heart. Let us create a world of heart. We should be different from others. Let us liberate God. (55-50) What ideology does the Unification Church uphold? It is Godism. That is our view. Anyone who lives Godism is communicating in the world of heart. It is so because they do not attend God just conceptually, but in actual life. In the Unification Church, we discuss God's heart. Today, theology teaches about God. But we do not know heart by obtaining knowledge from learning. That is what you should understand. You do not know by understanding. People would not know me in the true sense, even if they met me and said, "Ah, that is Rev. Moon. His eyes are such and such, his nose is such and such, etc." In order to know a person well, you should live with him or her. Do you understand? No matter how great he or she may appear to be, if you live with that person, you will discover something that you did not expect. Right? [Yes.] So, you should go ahead and do it. Yet, when you live, you should not live blindly, but should live well. (59-101)