Because today's humans do not know God and the relationship between God and man, they do not truly love Him. However, once they come to know the relationship and make a bond with Him, they cannot help loving God. Accordingly, in order to make a bond with humanity and reveal Himself, God has been working in this world throughout history. First of all, in order to find the starting point of the ideal, from which the world can be unified into one, God has desperately fought centering on thoughts and ideals throughout history. Today, God's desperate fight is developed through the confrontation between democracy and Communism. However, the problem is that the phenomena of today's world cannot be fundamentally resolved by those two thoughts. (11-58) It is apparent that democracy and Communism did not provide the method which can remove social evil. Although democracy and Communism were fundamentally developed from the desire to resolve the common problem of humankind, democracy not only did not fulfill that task, but also did not overcome the destructive activity of Communism. On the other hand, Communism also could not resolve social problems completely, but, ironically, brought about only a bigger problem. Accordingly, the world came to fall into difficulty, and democracy and Communism are facing a dead end where there is neither a victor nor a loser. That is our present actual situation, and the future of humankind seems to be unpredictable and gloomy. Why can't democracy and Communism be the solution for removing social problems? According to close analysis, the two thoughts do not have the core of ultimate truth. Even though democracy, on the positive side, contributed to the development of the political system, democracy has no clear and inclusive view of the world. On the other hand, Communism has an inclusive and systematic view of the world, but is based on false assumptions and distorted facts. (Nov. 15, 1983) We are in the Last Days. Both democracy and Communism are also in the Last Days. Therefore, in this end time, Communism is struggling at the crossroads of life and death, and democracy is wandering at the crossroads of rising and falling. (Oct. 9, 1978) Where does humankind have to go? Where is the ideal world which humankind has been looking for? Humankind gave up its hope for the future. However, the ideal world which the democratic world is pursuing has no subjectivity and objectivity to be able to transcend today's present situation. On the other hand, Communism has a dream to have dominion over the whole world. But now, we can see that Communist countries are pitted against one another. They cannot be unified into one. Their division is increasing and will result in the level of individual Communism. (59-82) The time for the democratic world is finished. The same for Communism. Don't you think so? Although America was saying, "Oh, my fellow democratic countries, let's unite into one," were they unified into one? Rather, the democratic countries are almost dead. Do people of the world welcome America? [No!] They are saying that they will kick out America. Don't they say so? Communism also fell down from the international level to the national level. At this national level, no matter how Communists may try, they cannot establish worldwide Communism. (90-303) Truly, will democracy or Communism be able to unify this world? They do not have an inner power to able to absorb the world. If a thought tries to unify this world, the thought has to have an inner condition to able to digest this world. (15-51) Was there such a thought which teaches clearly the problem of cause and effect? Communism? Even though materialism has its own logic of cause and effect, it cannot be the fundamental and ultimate theory. On the other hand, the center of thought which consists of democracy is Christianity, but Christianity does not do it. (67-217) Democracy centered on Christianity did not establish a society of well-being. Communism also did not do that. Accordingly, the society, which humankind is looking for cannot be established by the present democratic culture or Communistic culture. (16-165)