Now the world is divided in two: the democratic system and the Communist system. Which one is true? Both of them claim to be true, don't they? Doesn't it need to be officially approved as to which one is true? Such approval has to come from history. According to Communist theory, history has to be officially recognized. Because history develops through struggle, according to the dialectic argument, tradition is not cherished. Therefore Satan is the ringleader of the destruction of tradition. Satan is the leader of destruction. Thousands of years of history cannot be established because such a system is false; it cannot make any historical claims. That means that there is no traditional historical background following the unchanging rule of the Principle. Then, when is the Communist world going to set up a historical foundation of tradition that is unchanging and based on the truth. They talk about a world of utopia... Humankind passes through the stage of socialism and enters the era of communist society. Is the communist society, therefore, the end? What would the world become with such a contradictory argument? Dialectical materialism embodies the concept of struggle. The inherent state of contradiction is resolved through struggle. The conclusion is that the ideal world cannot be established through the concept of struggle, but only through the concept of investment. That which becomes the subject has to invest. If you hold a high position and you invest yourself, you will decrease but your object will increase. Students will claim, "There is a need for a revolution of consciousness. Evil has to be chased out and good has to remain." That is right, but is the Communist Party good? The essence of dialectic materialism is conflict. Does conflict lead to achievement? Is such an argument correct? When man and woman love each other, is that conflict? Man and woman become one through love not conflict. Communism regards man and woman as contradictory beings. So how would it be possible to become one in harmony? They are crazy! Because of them the world is collapsing. Dialectic theory is ridiculous. Two entities confront each other and through struggle they become one. The argument goes that every day man and woman are struggling, but next morning there is development. (laughter). Is that possible? It's far from it. If there is fighting, there is damage on both sides and there is retreat. In the history of the world, have you ever seen a country that fought and became rich and powerful? You must know the answer to this. The dialectic is a concept of struggle. The starting point is dissatisfaction. A dissatisfied Satan broke God's will. You shouldn't be manipulated by Satan who rebelled against God's will and who is using a theoretical base to cause confusion throughout the world. What is the concept of struggle in Communism? It is a doctrine that weakens both the upper and lower levels through division and conflict. We must recognize and go beyond the failure of the first and second Israel and instead embrace the ideology of the unification of the whole world centered on the sphere of the third Israel. The ideal is not achievable through the fist or through power, but only through love. We have already reached an era in which many problems cannot now be solved. Therefore, secular people question why humankind has become that way. Today, history is going to ruin in a whirlpool of confusion because religion can provide only a vague explanation of the cause of the Fall and cannot present it in a systematic way. From what angle does the Unification Church look at history? Fallen history is indeed a history of struggle; but it is the history of struggle for the transition from evilness to goodness. That is the difference. Those working toward goodness and those supporting evil fight with each other evil becomes eliminated, and as this struggle has gradually become a global struggle, the world is changing toward goodness. That is the view of history of the Unification Church. Do parents need development and revolution in their hearts? What do you think? Even animals know how to love their offspring, don't they? Can the dialectics of Marx, Lenin and Hegel be applied here? The concept of restoration is not found in dialectic theory. It doesn't develop. The argument that everything will return to the developing world-the Communist world, is false. That logic is absurd. It starts off from a static, unchanging point, and goes through an unchanging course and connects with an unchanging end-point and finally arrives at something unified. That is not going to bring about a world of love and oneness. It's impossible with this theory. If it was possible with this theory, I would have already brought an end to Communism. Because I am a person who has been confronted with Communism since my youth, I became today the leader of anti-Communism. Why is religion needed? Religion is needed in order to resolve humankind's contradiction and to unite God and man. Religion is needed until the ideal is reached. Therefore, when the perfect men and women of God appear, religion will not be needed anymore. In the midst of this contradictory environment, we yearn and hope for the ideal which can be reached through the framework called religion. This is true theoretically. But we can conclude that it is impossible to claim that contradictory humankind can realize the ideal world through rapid progress and struggle. Today, it is impossible through dialectic theory or through Communism. It has no standard for realizing it. Rather, it is ignoring the standard. It says that matter comes before spirit, which means that the lump of meat, the body, is complete. If we look at ourselves, can we say that the body is more perfect than the mind? (No.) The body exists in the limited sphere, while the mind exists in the unlimited sphere. If we question which of the two is greater, it is the mind, not the body. Analyzing in this way, if we look at the systems of Communism and democracy, we should recognize that only theism, in the form of religion, provides the logic and a path which leads to the realization of the ideal. What kind of man is Reverend Moon? Amidst the whirlpool of such problems, Reverend Moon has taken greater pains to solve these problems than any other person. How can a standard be made that is unchangeable even after tens of thousands of years? If even after countless years from now, people, centering on an "ism" which upholds an absolute standard of the past, invest themselves wholeheartedly facing limitations and persevering with a desperate and absolute conviction, the whole world will automatically become unified. From such a viewpoint, unification absolutely cannot come about in this present world centered on the dialectic of Communism. It is a logical contradiction to say that unification comes through struggle. Communists have hope for the future and pursue unification, but through such a method a unified world cannot be realized.