1) Hegel's Basic Mistake Hegel's dialectic was wrong. Do you know where to acknowledge the concept called "struggle" which is found in Hegel's dialectic? If we delve deeply into the mind of humankind, we find that the conscience and the physical mind have been struggling. Therefore, Hegel thought that struggle existed there from the beginning. He misinterpreted, thinking that this struggle was an intrinsic part of the world which God created. But this interpretation lacked understanding of the fall of humankind. This was his fundamental mistake. If you investigate deeply the deep mind of fallen humankind, you will find that two opposing minds, the conscience and the physical mind, are confronting each other. It is this confrontation that is behind humankind's historical development. If we analyze fallen humankind, we can see that man embodies two contradictory natures. But a theory was created stating that the universe had also developed in that way and that God had created man as a being who embodied these two contradictory natures. Communists' ideology analyzes all matters, and understands the development of history, from a dialectic viewpoint. They are propagating a theory of struggle in which the social reality is divided into an upper sphere and a lower sphere, and history develops through the confrontation between these two spheres. Therefore, they created a theory that claims that what existed before has to be destroyed for the sake of development. Hegel's dialectic took the position that humankind hadn't fallen. But, in fact, the opposite is true. Because of the fall of humankind, the conscience and physical mind started to oppose and struggle with each other. Created humankind originally didn't have any contradiction within itself. We absolutely need a substantial movement upholding such a viewpoint, which is one with the standard of the original creation. Hegel regarded contradiction as being inherent in "the market of life". He regarded contradiction as being intrinsic to everyday life and that religion is strange. However, Hegel's thought and his formulated theory are fundamentally flawed. It was a mistake to regard fallen humankind as a being that was originally created like that. Therefore, we need to quickly emphasize and promote the concept that humankind did fall. Within humankind the conscience and physical mind are arguing with each other. The expansions of these two entities ultimately caused the division of the world into democracy/spiritualism and Communism/materialism. As these two entities have developed, the harvest is being manifested as the Last Days, which is a phenomenon of our present time. From such a viewpoint, how shall our Unification thought tackle this issue? Because the starting point was flawed, we have to go back to the origin, which is a higher dimension. What original human form would constitute a higher dimension? It is not a form where the conscience and physical mind are fighting with each other but rather a form in which conscience and physical mind are united. From the viewpoint of a standard of absolute and eternal unity, the spiritual world and physical world have to become one. Until now we have all been false. Look at yourself! Why are you false? You are struggling with your mind and body disunity. How can that be called true? When two are fighting can they become true? (No). Humankind in this state of falseness was examined carefully and the contradictory logic called dialectic was found. All the discoveries made by people such as Hegel came from the study of fallen, struggling humankind. Nowadays, philosophers generally don't understand the concept of the Fall, and when they examine the mind they say, "it seems like this," and something approximating a dialectic principle emerges. Looking at man from the point of having already fallen, the theory of the origin of struggle can be given much credence. If you analyze the mind of humankind, there is clear evidence of struggle, making this theory seem quite plausible.