3) The Principle of Creation and the Origin of Human Happiness

What is God's Principle of Creation? The creation is God's investment of Himself. Since He invested Himself completely, the complete result can be guaranteed. You must know this is the Principle of Creation. Therefore we have to invest ourselves completely and give deeply. By giving deeply you find your future object, build a foundation for yourself and create the environment in which you prove yourself. All this is impossible by merely receiving. This is the Principle of Creation.

Living for others is the Principle of Creation and the origin of human happiness. For example you might ask someone, "Why was I born?" There are many distinguished guests here today who might say, "I was born to be the best person I can be, for myself." But originally, a man is born not for himself, but for a woman. No one can deny that man was born for woman.

Man and woman are in a reciprocal position. Men have wide shoulders while women have wide hips. When you get on a bus in New York you can see that men and women sitting side by side fit very well since men are wide on top and women are wide on the bottom. This, in short, shows that men and women were born for a reciprocal relationship.

Man was born not for man but for woman. Woman was born not for woman but for man. If we don't understand this clearly, problems can occur. This is God's Principle of Creation, so unless you follow this Principle you can never enjoy true happiness or peace.

Man was born for woman, not for man. Woman was born for man, not for woman. That is it. You were not born for yourself, you were born for others. You have to break your concept of self. If you break this, the unified world can come about.

The person who seeks value not in the self but through others, through reciprocal relationship, is not an unhappy person. Because he has a heartistic relationship with an object, he is never lonely and he is happy. True parents exist for their children, true children exist for their parents, true people exist for the nation, and a true nation exists for its people. This is where true happiness exists.

When you apply this principle, who was the best American patriot? You may well answer Abraham Lincoln. He was born as a common person and came to represent democracy. He lived for America and died for America, so he is in line with this Principle. That's why Americans consider him the very symbol of a true patriot.

When you ask who in human history was the real saint of saints, by applying this Principle you will find immediately that it was Jesus Christ. He came for humankind, he lived for humankind, he died for humankind, and he even prayed for forgiveness for his enemies, who hung him on the cross. It is a natural conclusion that Jesus was higher than any other saint. He must have been the loving son of God. Therefore the Kingdom of Heaven will be established according to this formula.